Deep Thought
I try, but I keep failing
I can't forget it
The memories, the feeling
The whole thing
It continues to replay
In my mind, when I close my eyes
It takes over completely
Until I can't breathe
Suffocating me
Taking me
Drowning me
Slowly, killing me
I try to hide it
Make believe it never happened
The second I close my eyes
There it is, waiting
I pretend I'm fine
Trying so hard to escape it
But I can't forget
It stays in there, hidden
Waiting for that single moment
Like it's driven
To wait, patiently
So when I close my eyes
It's there immediately
Reminding me, I'm not fine
Nothing will be alright
Doesn't matter how hard I try
The memory will never leave
The scars too deep to see
It's a hidden suffering
With no hope of ever escaping
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