I don't want to be remembered
I don't want to be recognized
A shadow in your memory
that quickly slips right by
A name long ago forgotten
yet familiar, but surely unknown
By the time you almost realize it
I'll be a long way gone
Don't bother saying hello to me
Goodbye will surely follow
In a bright world, where all can see
I promise to remain a shadow
I don't want you to know who I am
I don't want to be seen
I'm the familiar image
quickly lost before our eyes meet
A friend, otherwise held dear
I know your story, but I remain a mystery
When the truth becomes clear
Once upon a time, you knew me
We were friends, we connected
So many laughters, so many tears
Instantly you remember
Just as quickly, the memory will disappear
Hello, I'll be your friend
and it all ends.
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