Eulogy of Eros (Love)


  • Emotional

    Eulogy of Eros (Love)

    Eros is an intangible emotion that is given birth to in a sea of other emotions, beliefs, and thoughts. Love opens the door to a new live reality, that one was once ignorant too lacking the knowledge of its beautiful nature, to a pasture of amazing hues that are only known by someone who does not dwell in the damp distorted view of the flesh. This love indulges in the sweetest nectar from the simplest fruit that is not so attractive but is nourishing to the spirit, realizing the beauty in this emotion, and the pureness of it, takes the blindfold off of one’s eyes and introduces them to the immortal feelings that comes along with its trueness. Eros can produces courage in the heart of a coward to fight for what in his eyes, and soul is his own, also it can add a weak element to the heart of the bravest soldier, by showing them what they lack and need. My experience with love shows me that I find that since of completion in a opposite. Someone too much like me cannot introduce me to something new or new ideas. However someone who is not so much like me can open my mind to new possibilities that I can grow from and build new knowledge, this beauty of Eros is not always evident when one sided. In this case love can be your worst enemy which eats at your existence and makes one feel as though giving up on the emotion is the only situation to avoid the shuttered pieces of your heart, and tear filled tissues. However if truly meant, unconditional, and mutual then the reality of Eros can be a breathe of the freshest air or add tranquility to the most troubled heart.

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    muttman1 commented on Eulogy of Eros (Love)


    Your poem is touching and very well written

    Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    danee8807’s Poems (7)

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