Original Poetry Forums

Where have all the gentle poems gone....???

10-27-2010 at 01:29:35 PM

RE: RE: Where have all the gentle poems gone....???

Originally Posted by Rhymer

This is why I hate forums and usually do not post very often in them. I have done more here, by request, than anywhere else. I really do not care what Gogant wants to read or doesn't want to read. A voice crying in the wilderness. I do appreciate cousinsoren, trying to interject reason and trying to be the peace maker. This will be my last forum post, not out of spite or anger, but simply not what I like to do. I like to write poetry, and stories and when I'm not writing I'm usually working a sixty hour week. My time is limited and I would rather read good poetry than listen to others that feel they have a moral obligation to force everyone to view the world through rose colored glasses. Drive by post, moving on.


My Friend,

A sixty hour a week work schedule is quite a heavy load. In Jamaica , a forty -hour per week is the norm. Not many companies offer over-time work with extra pay-hours.,and never in government services.
I recognize that you dislike forums, However , I sincerely hope that you will continue to share your poetry with your Friends, and others, on the OP. site. Jobs are becoming scarce, in USA,. My brother in California was out of work for many months MY brother-in-law,in Miami, is jobless even now, after several months. The condition is no better in Jamaica. I hope that your job is permanent, and that you are enjoying it.


Last edited by cousinsoren 10-27-2010 at 04:09:08 PM

10-27-2010 at 03:02:52 PM

RE: RE: Where have all the gentle poems gone....???

Originally Posted by dahlusion

Originally Posted by gogant

It seems to me that it is getting harder to find any more good, loving,
gentle poems, to read. It seems as if everyone wants to write about
funerals, the devil, suicide, real murders, rape, wife beating, gory
bloodletting, ungodly things, and sad cases of schizophrenia. I know
that most will say, "If you don't like 'em, don't read 'em." The only problem
with that declaration is, I have to at least begin to read something
before I realize that it is another dismal real-life, gory, blasphemous
piece. Oh, there are a lot of poets here who still give us some wonderful
pieces to enjoy, but, woe, there are some who seem to be leaning toward
the occult...............If any of my friends notice that I haven't commented on
their work lately....well, it is probably because I am displeased with what
they have been penning.....
I just wanted to get that off my chest.........
Thank you for listening............................................................gogant


If you want to live in a bubble, then you have to buy a bubble blowing pipe.

Life is everything the poets on OP write about, it may not be your life but it's certainly is theirs and theirs to write about, and we must honor their feelings, emotions, and words.

It's a good thing that we have you and your poetry to keep us lighthearted.


Dah, .

Your reply to the complaint of a few of us, including myself, is very reasonable. THANKS

10-27-2010 at 03:08:37 PM

RE: RE: Where have all the gentle poems gone....???

Originally Posted by dahlusion

I have a new dark poem:

"Laughing At God's Sick Jokes"

come and read, and wander through its dark halls

dark dahkiss


I have read it. Much food for metaphysical contemplation, strikingly composed. This poem remiinds me of an awesome thunderstorm, I experienced three weeks ago.

Last edited by cousinsoren 10-27-2010 at 03:09:07 PM

10-27-2010 at 03:23:28 PM

RE: RE: Where have all the gentle poems gone....???

Originally Posted by papapaczki

Originally Posted by gogant

It seems to me that it is getting harder to find any more good, loving,
gentle poems, to read. It seems as if everyone wants to write about
funerals, the devil, suicide, real murders,

LOL I think its Halloween and the Poets of Blood movement that's spawned the elevated Dark Poetry submissions. I usually try and toss 2-3 poems per day up on Twitter, but I've been reluctant to put some of the dark poems up. Some are ok, but some might scare some people lol

-Papa Paczki


A few folks, primarily Americans,. celebrate Halloween , over the years ,in Jamaica. It has never taken on among Jamaicans,although we adopt many American lifestyle and culture in the island. Our kids and adults prefer to dress in costumes for the annual Carnival, which is an awesome event..


Let us not be weary in well doing. Let the Dark Poets and their fans have fun . It's the season of Halloween.

Last edited by cousinsoren 11-02-2010 at 02:01:59 AM

10-27-2010 at 04:46:10 PM

RE: Where have all the gentle poems gone....???

Seems to me that some folks didn‘t read my little story of my seventh
grade science episode.

"George is the only one who put the right answer down."
My answer was simply, "I don't have any idea of what is in the bag."

Dano, Stefy, and others, who have gone off on an intangible tangent -- I will
try to quiet your jangled nerves. Look, and this time read, what I said. I did
not say anything about disallowing poetry of any kind…….I made an observation
that I thought was quite clear in meaning. I don’t have to defend my outlook
on what I feel about certain kinds of poetry -- Write all the dark stuff you
wish to write…..curse me, if that makes you happy, call me everything you
can think of, except late for supper……………………………….gogant
~ ~ ~
Dano Posted:
forum posts like this is what makes people feel uncomfortable on op... we are all suppose to support each other here as fellow poets and not chastised for the subject in which we write... makes me wonder if i will hesitate the next time i have something to post or perhaps not post a new piece because of the negativity it might receive... everyone is suppose to feel welcome and comfortable here and right now i don’t
~ ~ ~
Stefy Posted:
do you know why i write dark poetry
i justify myself in my last poem -Tell me - what did i do...
talk about Dano`s poem '' what did i do''...

Last edited by gogant 10-27-2010 at 04:47:23 PM

10-28-2010 at 01:13:29 PM

RE: Clayton Hellbonz the Zombie Comedian

Originally Posted by WordSlinger

Clayton Hellbonz the Zombie Comedian


Bravo, WordSlinger,
Your satirical ribaldry , in well written vibrant poetry, ( Clownish when you want to play the clown with a purpose) never fails to offer a bellyful of rib-cracking, riotous, rollicking fun and laughter. On with it, GUY! We need humorous poems badly, like how a dog badly needs to get rid of fleas,...LOL>, There is not enough laughter being generated on this site. I intend to install a Poetic Humour Forum on the OP site in 2011, with poems, limericks, local and original jokes, humorous jokes, poetic anecdotes. riddle, proverbs, poetic chit-chats. amusing cooking recipes, etc, etc, You don't have to apply, You are invited to be the chief raconteur and chief toastmaster, master chef, waiter, errand boy , host and bottlewasher.

Last edited by cousinsoren 10-28-2010 at 02:02:38 PM

10-28-2010 at 02:21:32 PM

RE: RE: Where have all the gentle poems gone....???

Originally Posted by cousinsoren

Gogant has made it very clear. No offence is meant. We are sincerely asking for more of a gentle type of poetry, as there is a serious absence of such poetry on the OP site. We are ,in no way, objecting to other types of poetry. Those who are asking for more of the gentle type of poetry, have no right to object to other types, and we are fully conscious of that. We wish not to be misunderstood nor taken out of context.

There is not "a serious absence" of gentle poetry on OP. My feeling is that you are hanging out with the "wrong friends" as in, time to make new friends, or support the friends you have through their trying times.

10-28-2010 at 06:51:53 PM

RE: Where have all the gentle poems gone....???

I don't get it Dah......what's the point ? The game ended in a tie, so let the
players go home....

10-29-2010 at 11:13:20 AM

RE: RE: Where have all the gentle poems gone....???

Originally Posted by gogant

I don't get it Dah......what's the point ? The game ended in a tie, so let the
players go home....

"Must be the season of the witch" —boo !kiss

10-29-2010 at 05:09:03 PM

RE: Where have all the gentle poems gone....???

Rhyming for Dummies
(hooked on a name game, a knee jerk reaction)

Inside this shack
Mable and Jack
Outside this room
The Bride and Groom
Under the bridge
Derek and Midge
At the shore
Jason saw Lenore
Over at school
Donald told Jewel
Sitting on a bench
Cora and Mench
On the stoop
Mary grins at Snoop
In the backyard
Lisa kissed Minard
Two miles away
Johnny fights with Kay
Behind the stores
Eddie fires Delores
Sitting in traffic
Judy swears at Maverick
On the side of the road
Joanie trips Joad
While lying on their backs
Wanda tickles Mack
Up in the tree
Martin steadies Lee
Crossing a creek
Tammy saves Ezeke
While driving home
Mikey waves to Simone
Down at the fair
Meryle waits for Clare
In the middle of the game
Shelley roots for Graham
At the BBQ
Winston cooks for Sue
While getting a tan
Morey rubs lotion on Fran
While packing her bags
Nora cries over Craig
While casting his line
Ricky sings to Tyne
Inside the Corvette
Jim makes love to Yvette
Out in the storm
Sallie looks for Loram
In the middle of the night
Missy rolls onto Dwight
When the rooster crows
Frankie yells to Rose
After the prom
Lilly yearns for Dom
Out in the country air
Jordan smiles at Jer
While watching grass grow
Linda paints her toe…..

Gogant and company carry on with this nonsense for me please and cousinoren you can see I have started something for that thread you mention!

10-29-2010 at 07:58:44 PM

RE: Where have all the gentle poems gone....???

I fully understand what Gogant is saying first and foremost I'm not gonna rip or shred or demean and this will play a little into what Dah has said as well about making new friends instead of bickering and debating point of view which common sense tells us is pointless when poets with "gentle poems" see this thread leave a link for Gogant and cousin and whoever else wants to peruse and like I said this will play into what Dah has said because this to me would be a good way of how new friends are made. So I leave on this well done human race well done for even with the simplest of subjects ego and self could not be overcome to find a logical solution.

10-29-2010 at 09:14:35 PM

RE: RE: Where have all the gentle poems gone....???

Originally Posted by ginga

Rhyming for Dummies
(hooked on a name game, a knee jerk reaction)


Inside this shack
Mable and Jack
Outside this room
The Bride and Groom
Under the bridge
Derek and Midge
At the shore
Jason saw Lenore
Over at school
Donald told Jewel
Sitting on a bench
Cora and Mench
On the stoop
Mary grins at Snoop
In the backyard
Lisa kissed Minard
Two miles away
Johnny fights with Kay
Behind the stores
Eddie fires Delores
Sitting in traffic
Judy swears at Maverick
On the side of the road
Joanie trips Joad
While lying on their backs
Wanda tickles Mack
Up in the tree
Martin steadies Lee
Crossing a creek
Tammy saves Ezeke
While driving home
Mikey waves to Simone
Down at the fair
Meryle waits for Clare
In the middle of the game
Shelley roots for Graham
At the BBQ
Winston cooks for Sue
While getting a tan
Morey rubs lotion on Fran
While packing her bags
Nora cries over Craig
While casting his line
Ricky sings to Tyne
Inside the Corvette
Jim makes love to Yvette
Out in the storm
Sallie looks for Loram
In the middle of the night
Missy rolls onto Dwight
When the rooster crows
Frankie yells to Rose
After the prom
Lilly yearns for Dom
Out in the country air
Jordan smiles at Jer
While watching grass grow
Linda paints her toe…..

Gogant and company carry on with this nonsense for me please and cousinoren you can see I have started something for that thread you mention!



BRAVO, Ginga! You are a bit previous, as the Humour Thread (Forum??)gets on track early 2011 and not late 2010. (It's now too near to Christmas,and I am writing a poem to Santa Claus). Hem your shortest skirt three ( 3 ) inches shorter, though it is now Autumn , and leaves and hemlines are falling, and sit on the throne as "Queen of Humour". You have earned the crown and sceptre, with your first strike on the yet unborn .Humour Thread. Post a picture of you sitting on the throne in your abbreviated skirt, "unexposed" , "exposed" or is it "unopposed?" I am sleepy, confused and delightfully infused ( enthused??) to dream your poem, all night, tonight, . l am still laughing , though I am getting sleepier.

Last edited by cousinsoren 10-29-2010 at 09:45:32 PM

10-29-2010 at 09:41:04 PM

RE: Where have all the gentle poems gone....???

LOL!! I guess I can wait a couple months to make a bigger fool out of myself.
he he

10-29-2010 at 10:49:50 PM

RE: Where have all the gentle poems gone....???

Those of us that attempt to write entertaining (gentle poetry) are somewhat taken aback by the inference of the question raised by the title of this thread... as if the gentle poems are not being posted..............................Hampton

10-29-2010 at 11:14:43 PM

Where have all the gentle poems gone....???

No Hamp, that is not what I meant. The other day I was going through
the list of poems in the weekly contest, and it seemed to me that there
were a lot of poems that conjured up images of negativity (In my thinking).......
and hence, the subject line. So the game was played, and both sides went
home thinking they had won.........or at least, I hope they did.....


Originally Posted by Hampton

Those of us that attempt to write entertaining (gentle poetry) are somewhat taken aback by the inference of the question raised by the title of this thread... as if the gentle poems are not being posted..............................Hampton

10-29-2010 at 11:18:37 PM

RE: Where have all the gentle poems gone....???

Thanks. I accept your explanation and withdraw

10-29-2010 at 11:56:25 PM

RE: RE: Where have all the gentle poems gone....???

Well, I thank you kindly, Sir Hampton, for accepting my explanation....
but don't withdraw from the forums......there'll be another game tomorrow...I'm sure...


Originally Posted by Hampton

Thanks. I accept your explanation and withdraw

10-30-2010 at 10:43:25 AM

RE: RE: Where have all the gentle poems gone....???

Originally Posted by gogant

Seems to me that some folks didn‘t read my little story of my seventh
grade science episode.

"George is the only one who put the right answer down."
My answer was simply, "I don't have any idea of what is in the bag."

Dano, Stefy, and others, who have gone off on an intangible tangent -- I will
try to quiet your jangled nerves. Look, and this time read, what I said. I did
not say anything about disallowing poetry of any kind…….I made an observation
that I thought was quite clear in meaning. I don’t have to defend my outlook
on what I feel about certain kinds of poetry -- Write all the dark stuff you
wish to write…..curse me, if that makes you happy, call me everything you
can think of, except late for supper……………………………….gogant
~ ~ ~
Dano Posted:
forum posts like this is what makes people feel uncomfortable on op... we are all suppose to support each other here as fellow poets and not chastised for the subject in which we write... makes me wonder if i will hesitate the next time i have something to post or perhaps not post a new piece because of the negativity it might receive... everyone is suppose to feel welcome and comfortable here and right now i don’t
~ ~ ~
Stefy Posted:
do you know why i write dark poetry
i justify myself in my last poem -Tell me - what did i do...
talk about Dano`s poem '' what did i do''...


Yeah. I read it,and thought I'd cracked a rib or two laughing. I planned sending you a doctor's bill. But I am now ok to laugh less uproariously, in order not to further jeopardize my ribs. Be happy that you don't owe anybody anything, but to pay them some more riotous laughter.

Last edited by cousinsoren 10-30-2010 at 10:50:48 AM

10-31-2010 at 03:21:43 PM

RE: Where have all the gentle poems gone....???

Well Cousin, it wasn't meant to be funny, just to make a point.
But, I am so happy to hear your laughter, and your philosophic
words.........................and that is not funny, but classical..........

grin )))))iiiii)))] gogant

11-01-2010 at 09:40:45 AM

RE: RE: RE: Where have all the gentle poems gone....???

Originally Posted by cousinsoren


Let us not be weary in well doing. Let the Dark Poets and their fans have fun . It's the season of Halloweeen. [/b]

I never discriminate against any of the genres. I thought it was nice that everyone was celebrating the season.

Thanksgiving in the United States is coming up in 3 weeks. I expect those types of poems will now be elevated.

11-01-2010 at 02:02:03 PM

RE: Where have all the gentle poems gone....???

with out the dark
how can we see light
with out the bad
how do we know whats good
with out exhaustion
how can we feel pure energy
with out contempt
how can we express appriciation
with out hate
on what do we base our love
with out the evil
how do we pick our saints

and all i'm gonna say is....if you don't like it don"t read it...............there are plenty of styles of writing to chose from on OPmad

11-01-2010 at 02:28:44 PM

RE: Where have all the gentle poems gone....???

I think you're all nuts.

11-01-2010 at 03:33:46 PM

RE: RE: Where have all the gentle poems gone....???

I THINK YOU ARE ALL NUTS! ////////////////////////////LOL

May your conclusion,(a wisdom and humorous , gratifying comment ) bear fruit in the OP vineyard, I pray.

GOSPEL TRUTH! Straight off the shoulder from Hyportlacking's pulpit! THANKS from one of your nutty converts. The problem is , ""I am not one of the nuts" a self- righteous admission, Tha's a compliment of which your video disciple is not worthy,. He has to work more saintly to gain this ethereal title. I am just a silly, sometimes wise and humble poet, piously , wholly me.............................LOL

PLease read my Christmas poem,"Letter To Santa Claus" whenever you see it, and send me a gift comment. After all, it will be Christmas. Did you enjoy Halloween?

Last edited by cousinsoren 11-01-2010 at 05:44:28 PM

11-01-2010 at 04:41:31 PM

RE: RE: RE: Where have all the gentle poems gone....???

Originally Posted by cousinsoren

Originally Posted by Hiporlacking

I think you're all nuts.

Your conclusion, wisdom and humorous , gratifying comment is accepted.

GOSPEL TRUTH! Straight off the shoulder from Hyporlacking's pulpit! THANKS from one of your nutty converts. The problem is , ""I am not one of the nuts' Tha's a compliment of which Your video disciple is not worthy,. He has ro work more saintly to gain this ethereal title. I am just a silly, sometimes wise m humble poet, pously , wholly me.............................LOL

Hahacool smile

11-01-2010 at 05:22:59 PM

Where have all the gentle poems gone....GONE TO GRAVEYARDS EVERYONE???

JadedJezzabel Posted:
and all i'm gonna say is....if you don't like it don"t read it...
There are plenty of styles of writing to chose from on OP

I had posted this Jezzy….
I know that most will say, "If you don't like 'em, don't read 'em."
The only problem with that declaration is, I have to at least begin to read
something before I realize that I don’t like it.

papapaczki Posted:
I never discriminate against any of the genres.

Papa, I do not discriminate…….A choice is a choice. I never said that
dark poetry should not be allowed on this sight, nor did I say that soft
delightful poems should be the only poetry here on OP.

Hiporlacking Posted:
I think you're all nuts.

And, last but not least, HP Lacking…….We all go mad now and then.



Last edited by gogant 11-01-2010 at 05:23:51 PM

Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

Unknown Source