Original Poetry Forums

Do you like my form?

08-09-2009 at 10:02:55 AM

Re: Re: Re: Do you like my form?

Originally Posted by Angellightwolf

Originally Posted by JadedJezzabel

I hear them calling me
Whispers hovering near me
Just outside my door
Upon opening they flee
Only to return once more

ok hope you like it.......nothing to do with nature except maybe the paranoia of human nature

And... I get chills this is what it is all about and what less than human nature?

hey thank you angellightwolf but i did think it needed a little tweaking.....so here it is revised

I hear them calling me
whistpers are hovering near
Just outside my door
upon opening they flee
only to return once more

08-31-2009 at 06:12:18 PM

Re: Do you like my form?

The hot brown stream pours
into a warmed cup with cream,
lends it’s self to curls
of steady turning spirals
above the empty breakfast
with some poison for the cups

09-09-2009 at 08:32:31 PM

Re: Do you like my form?

My Home

5-Baltimore, my home,
7-South Carolina isn't.
5-I want to be there,
7-Baltimore, to be alone.
7-I can bear it being there.

09-10-2009 at 01:02:05 AM

Re: Do you like my form?

Syrup Time

With Spring’s melted snow
Budded Maple branches tell
Where the red leaf fell
The tree’s sap runs thin and slow
Where cut tap is placed to flow

© RH Peat 9/9/09

Last edited by RHPeat 09-11-2009 at 06:58:24 PM

09-18-2009 at 06:27:58 PM

Re: Do you like my form?

The sky weeps today
Clouded emotion splashes
Our world, shades of gray
Thunderous sobs on display
The wind like a mournful wail

I love this form! cheese


Last edited by sin 09-18-2009 at 06:28:36 PM

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Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.