Homage to Motherhood


  • Devotion

    Homage to Motherhood

    I owe thou a lot

    For thy sacrifice to give me life

    O! Mother dear

    Thou pardoned me for all my deeds


    Thou absolved my many a howler

    Thou rendered me a brawny support

    At the trouncing of my spirits

    Thus made me witty all the time


    I’m the strongest creature

    I could mince the hill

    I’m the flimsy mortal

    I couldn’t create a Mother


    I’m the wealthiest being

    I could pay for the opulence

    I’m the untoward being

    I couldn’t repay for thy labor


    I’m the most potent person

    I could rule the earth

    I’m the feeble one

    For thou are the supreme power


    Thou are the creator

    Thou are the protector

    O! Mother dear,

    Thou are the cause of salvation


    I bow to thou

    That’s the least I could do

    O! Mother dear

    Naught much can I do

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    In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

    Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.

    devaduta’s Poems (6)

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