I Miss You!


  • Other

    I Miss You!

    With every breath I take,
    I dream of you,
    With every move I make,
    I'm thinking of you,

    Everytime I open my eyes,
    I hope to see you,
    And when your not there my heart dies,
    And I know your's does too,

    I hope you will trust me,
    Knowing its a big risk but that we'll hold up,
    Even if worst comes to worst I'll come back to thee',
    Because I'm yourse and your my pup,

    I know its only been a few hours since I've seen you,
    But I miss you with all my heart,
    Panda's doing well too,
    But god I've missed you since the start,

    If I could I would cry,
    But you know how I am about those things,
    But right now my heart is about ready to die,
    And your the only one who can hear it's screams,

    As I sit here waiting,
    I see and hear things you said to me,
    As my emotions crumple up and start fading,
    I remnance the times with you I had where I was me and for once free,

    You show'd me that life wasn't always bad,
    You sow'd me how much you care,
    I know it kills you for me to do this but its for us to have a life w/o my dad,
    And honey... I know this isn't fair,

    But through all of this I hope you know I'm coming back,
    I love you too much to loose you,
    And everything I've said is a fact,
    And one more thing... Thank-you for staying at my side too.

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    In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

    Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.

    Tomarra’s Poems (16)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    When We're Alone 3
    I'm still here 0
    Losing Everything 0
    No Longer Yours 3
    I Miss You! 0
    You Being Me 0
    I Can See 1
    Past Thoughts 1
    Doubt and Loss 0
    That Day 1
    Edge Of This Ledge 1
    Until I Came Back... 0
    Not A Monster Or Angel 1
    Until The Time Comes 1
    With Me 1
    Sister Like You 2