I Wonder . . .


  • Other

    I Wonder . . .

    I wonder if I closed them tight enough
    Would my eyes cease to blind me
    The chains break that bind me
    Like gravity- or no air in the sea
    Or expectations thrown on the pile of worries accumulating in my corner
    I wonder if I fought through the failure
    Would the happy come back
    That maybe the answer isn't letting go
    It's holding on tighter
    But how do I walk on a tight-rope made of barbed wire
    I wonder if I caught the wind just right
    Could I fly
    Lift my arms to the sky
    Feel the wind, laugh in reply
    And I'm free
    I wonder if I smiled big enough
    Could I spead all my joy to the world
    If I sang loud enough
    Could my voice break through the walls of the room with these worries
    Break through the noise and be heard
    I wonder if I could paint with the colors of the wind
    Would they come alive with magic as the colors would blend
    Send me a canvas
    A paintbrush
    I'll begin
    I wonder if I clicked my heels together
    Could I wake up in my bed
    Would everything be fixed and my family be waiting
    A house falls on my problems
    And the wicked witch is dead
    And I wonder if I looked hard enough
    Would I see the things I wish for
    Could I recapture the innocence of fairy tales
    Pig tails
    Or is it lost for good
    I wonder if my eyes were closed
    Would they cease to blind me
    I'm trapped- come untie me
    No air in the sea, Then there's gravity
    And the piles of worries trying to overcome me
    I know if I caught the wind right- I'd fly
    Lift my arms up to the sky
    And I'm free.

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