I've Grown Too Old


  • Life
  • ,
  • Sadness

    Poem Commentary

    The years pass too quickly...

    I've Grown Too Old

    Today I’ve grown 
    into this frame of old.
    Shallow now, these eyes so cold.
    Shortened memory now replaces
    those once familiar, smiling faces.
    Days seem so much shorter now,
    And my needs … fewer somehow.

    I seek no knowledge of new at all;
    For I’ve learned too much to recall.
    Give me your hand….
    There -- that will do….
    Now, let me stand.
    You see -- I once was younger too.

    Would you lead me ‘cross the avenue…
    Good … I thank you kindly.
    Please -- let me lean awhile on you.
    Then I’ll walk alone … just me;
    For I know there are things to gain;
    Somewhere at the end of yonder lane.

    Yes !!! … I see it clearly now…
    Those fabled gates -- up ahead.
    So, here I’ll say with downcast brow --
    Seek me not … for I'll be dead.
    Today I’ve grown 
    into this frame of old.
    Shallow now, these eyes so cold.
    Shortened memory now replaces
    those once familiar, smiling faces.
    Days seem so much shorter now,
    And my needs … fewer somehow.
    I seek no knowledge of new at all;
    For I’ve learned too much to recall.
    Give me your hand….
    There -- that will do….
    Now, let me stand.
    You see -- I once was younger too.
    Would you lead me ‘cross the avenue…
    Good … I thank you kindly.
    Please -- let me lean awhile on you.
    Then I’ll walk alone … just me;
    For I know there are things to gain;
    Somewhere at the end of yonder lane.
    Yes !!! … I see it clearly now…
    Those fabled gates -- up ahead.
    So, here I’ll say with downcast brow --
    Seek me not … for I'll be dead.

    Poem Comments


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    tierra7 commented on I've Grown Too Old


    Hi Angelheart, How are you ? You've penned a most valued and Appreciated piece That I have had the honor to read .I'm always moved with your written paintings of life..I worked the Oncology Unit for years and learned rather quickly to live each day like its my last.losin' my lifetime partner opened my eyes that w a quick blink..we morph into a dif body.. Somewhere under my skin is the little girl that I left behind, nudgin' me im reminder to Live for Today and enjoy all before mr live spontaniously! a 10 + Lovingly, Tierra



    oops ...sorry....typos......



    Many years have passed since I passed this way. I read all your comments on my poetry, and I am warmed by what I read. Thank you ever so sincerely, dear, Tierra...

    slohan4u commented on I've Grown Too Old


    excellent picture of the "enjoyment" of aging. i never thought i would get old. that was just other people but not me.



    It's funny how most people never think about getting too old where things are not enjoyed or needed anymore. Thank you ever so kindly for your comment.....

    poett commented on I've Grown Too Old


    Awesome write as always. You truly inspire others with your writing ... hugs



    Thank you, dear Maria, for your thoughts and the hugs ...... smiles and squeezes from me to you.......

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    gogant’s Poems (6)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    I've Grown Too Old 3
    ~ Dawn of Sorrow ~ 3
    A couple of short ones to ponder 4
    The Meadow 9
    Isle of Enchantment 1
    Sadness Grows Upon This Man 1