My Gentle Giant


My Gentle Giant

 I hope you like it, it is a tribute to our cat Bandit and my little giant of a hero....................


                                           My Gentle Giant


He roamed the countryside throughout the land, and combed the beaches and the sand;

He looked for creatures Big and Small, even those oh so tall.


He searched for adventure through and true, looking thru house's preying for sure;

Looking for the vanquished big and small, before they took the final fall.


When he hunted he was brave for sure, as his heart was big and pure;

to me he was big as a Panda, but I knew him only as "Bandit".


He was a little lean and never mean, as he stretched his love from above;

He was fast as lighting which was frightening, as he pranced around with his love.


He flew around the house like a furry bat, even though he was a big fuzzy cat;

In the mornings he would wake us with a big MEOW, eventually acting like King Creole.


His eyes showed love thru and thru, and his heart was there how true;

He tickled and played like a kid at heart, as he gobbled his daily snack tart.


                                            (tuna of course)


His paws were big and his tail so fluffy, as he tricked us each day oh so funny;

His suit of gray and eyes of brown, were his armor and his crown.


He ruled his subjects with such ease, as we loved each moment with him to please;

Our love for him was very enduring, as each trick he played was extremely forgiving.


Never was love so true, as this Little Giant in the Big Gray Suit;

We loved him and cherished him thru and thru, as his spirit touched us ever so true.


Now our hearts are sad as he is gone to kitty-cat heaven, My Gentle Giant full of Love;

Is chasing mice and Lizard's at Heaven's Gate, as he awaits us at our place.


My Gentle Giant is named Bandit, His heart was pure and sure;

He awaits us with God in Heaven above, His spirit still shares his Love.


I look for the day when God calls me home, As I leave this world behind;

For on that day my loving wife and I, will be with our Gentle Giant in the sky.


Thru all my travels I have never known, Love so pure and sure;

As the giving heart and loving spirit, within this gentle Giant so near.


The Love will never change, for the Angel in the Big Gray suit;

A journey we traveled as we turn each page, with my Loving Gentle Giant so true.

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In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.

Bill1955’s Poems (4)

Title Comments
Title Comments
When the morning arrives 0
One Day in December 0
Our God is Amazing to see 0
My Gentle Giant 0