My Rocks


My Rocks

Everyday I have them
I keep them in a bag that I carry everywhere I go
I don't know why I grab this bag
but every day I wake my arms reach down without my permission and grab it
Ive tried to shake them from my shoulders but they don't even seem to chip

I used to sleep with my windows open even when it rained
I would pray that my room would flood and the water would float them away
Sometimes when I'm alone I study them trying to get every lesson I could ever learn

then first one has the most beautiful surface I'd ever seen
one day I let go
I watched as the ground took advantage of each section devouring it's beauty
when the pieces separated from beauty itself they returned entering my blood stream and racing to my heart blasting holes in the most valuable sections
Some of the pieces still flow free inside of me

the next rock had the most jagged edges imaginable and it used them to its advantage
the unbearable anger in every strike left scars physically and emotionally
this is the rock I hate to reveal

my favorite rock has an ugly outside but and inside filled with beautiful crystal
it was the the best I'd ever seen but it used its ability to allow the beauty to seep out through the most powerful words the only problem is that these words reached to many ears
some ears were alike ears that even belonged to two with the same name
this rock was wise with hiding its ways

the last rock had this feeling it could make serenity stow away in a cave
a moment with this rock was a moment of nothing but sheer pleasure
a day spent inside holding each other until it was time to disappear

these are my rocks each one holds a special hated part of me
each one took a piece of my peace
each one lied to a part of me
these are my rocks my memories
that stick to me
that play around carefully in my bag that always ends up on my shoulder
my rocks
always chipping off a piece of me

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tsgirl commented on My Rocks


now this is truely a great poem, I enjoyed reading it, poetry is your talent I'm sure you know, just keep up the good work. tsgirl please go to and leave a comment , also reading some of the other ones. Thank YOU

Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Liricz’s Poems (3)

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