

  • Love


    what do i offer you?
    i ask myself again
    i could offer you my heart
    but that you already won
    i could give to you my soul
    but that you already claimed
    i could offer you my life
    but that you already kept
    i can't fully express myself
    i want to show you in different ways
    a way no one has ever showed you before
    a way that will surprise you
    surprise you beyond measure
    but nothing surprises you
    you're so merciful
    Holy, beautiful, glorious and perfect
    words cannot explain your awesomeness
    feelings cannot express your love
    for words are insignificant
    feelings fade like smoke
    i can't give you my treasures
    for that you already own
    neither can i give to you my pleasures
    for that you already have
    i can only hope everything i give to you
    will be received by you
    flowing like the rivers of water
    from me to you
    my love for all eternity

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    graceladymn commented on offering


    Wonderful love sonnet so well spoken on the fruits of true love, love that costs you everything. Beautiful, moves with heart like real life. A pleasure to read.

    Poetry is what is lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    esther’s Poems (3)

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