michea’s Profile

CCCCCCCCold here....Glad though...Bama won last night...Texas Longhorns, parting is such sweet sorrow...

  • Age: 46
  • Location: San Antonio, TX
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: United States
  • Public Profile URL:


I love to write poetry..I love to read it...I just love writing poetry...All I can really say is that I have been writing poetry since I was in the sixth grade...(I am 30 now.)Things would be going on in my life and I would always escape into my poetry as well as my Bible...I really do believe God has blessed me with this gift/talent...I call it a gift because I can think of a poem off the top of my head in five minutes or less without ever reading it or having wrote it or any of that before...If you can believe me..The poem: "I've Chosen" was written on here in a matter of seconds..."To Mommy's Child: A Prayer" was written in a matter of 5 minutes...Like I said before...If is Only the Lord that has blessed me with this gift...Right now I am in the middle of writing a book..Please keep me in prayer on that one as I struggle with Carpel Tunnel.(Being on the computer is starting to be a challenge with my left hand starting to stiff up)...I am a single mommy of a beautiful 18 month old baby boy: whose goal is to one day publish a book while giving God All the Honor and Glory...I hope you enjoy the poetry the Lord has truly inspired me to bless others with...God bless...


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DeanPeter profile comment


You definatly have a way with words, Great Work!

Lois profile comment


Hi Dana, add me a your friend. Enjoyed your poetry, very good.

The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

michea’s Poems (8)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Thoughts.... 0
Encouraging Dreams 1
Overwhelming Frustration 1
Somewhere To Begin... 1
Agape Love 2
My Son... 1
I've Chosen 1
To Mommy's Child: A Prayer 6