DeanPeter’s Profile

  • Age: 58
  • Location: La Crosse, AZ
  • Gender: Male
  • Country: US
  • Public Profile URL:


I'm Dean (DeanPeter) and have been writing since December of 2004 since I asked Jesus into my heart. As a gift He sent me The Holy Spirit. It happened just that quick and as promised. I received a peace greater than any understanding! I've also been granted moments of clarity and spiritual awakenings as I never could have imagined. HE truly wants me to speak to the world through the tongue of my spirit. I gladly accept. I hope you enjoy the messages I have to pass on. DeanPeter ( Means Teacher On A Rock) and IS my legal first and middle name. I grew up from age 18 as a survivor of life at ANY cost. I had to eat, even more, I was compelled to drink. I made compromises till I had no more left to make. I made promises I'd never keep, I burned every bridge I crossed as an "Oh well". One day I had enough consequences and zero friendships. Out of self preservation and tough love, my family had no choice but to leave it in God's hands and pray. I have 3 children I've never seen and numerous ex's. I often woke up on the right hand of satan himself. I thought I was at my end when really, God had me right at my beginning and right were He wanted me, on my knees literally and figuratively. Then, one day at a Thanksgiving meal for the impoverished , I accepted Jesus into my heart simply because it was the only price we were asked to consider in turn for the spread. So I obliged. Soon, I began to journal as a way to communicate my emotional stress and daily experiences. Writing made me change within because I re-read my experiences and the ones I was disgusted with were right in my face and eyes, undeniably. My journal became my therapist, the more honest I got the more it reflected a nicer, different and changing me. I got hooked on this feeling and wanted more. The more I wrote the more rhythmic it became. It made more sense. It was becoming valuable, so was I. I gained a set of morals also. Lines I now refuse to cross or compromise lest I give in and fall back to the dark. The light became my goal. Climbing THAT staircase was no easy task, as is nothing at the begining in the world of the light. I was used to getting it up front on credit from TEMPTATION, or the easier way. Just to pay the fat lady when she sang. And the bill always reflected the compound interest unmentioned at the onset. The staircase was and still is an adventure. Each step a new song to be spoken from the tongue of my newly formed spirit. Each landing a chapter closed and to be shared with the world. I started to see how these journal's words may even help my fellow man by reading out loud to those who might listen to the crazy and coincidental miracles unfolding all around me daily and sometimes by the minute. I learned how to translate moments of clarity to poetic resonance, a sort of mesmerism if you will. Then I started getting individual inspirations from seemingly nowhere and chronicling them as they occurred. I saw patterns of my spiritual experiences and at the end of each one, also, was a story to tell of my freshly gained wisdom's. I'm at the point now where I have submitted some of these writings to my agent, church newsletters and senior clubs, poetry contests and won. I even received an editors choice award from one particular organization that helped my self esteem not to mention the drive within to do even better the next time. And that's the gist of my journey of how God can surprise, at middle age, a man with a whole new destination than that of my plans. But there seems not one thing that I, a humble human, can do about it even if I wanted to, which I certainly don't. I LOVE what I do and someday I'll even get better at it, who knows. Thank You and God bless! - DeanPeter.


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The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

DeanPeter’s Poems (55)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Flowers In The Sky 0
Changing of The Guide 0
Time 0
Fragile, Handle With Care 0
Deep Walk 0
Fear of Truth 0
His Word 0
DeanPeter's "Words of Wit-Ness" April '13 0
Winning 0
Sight 0
America? 0
The Rule of Three 0
A Mom 0
The Roaming Gnome 0
Easter Purpose/Easte
r Promise
A Tapestry of My Life 0
" ...And Mother Earth Rumbled!" 1
Growing Pains By: DeanPeter 0
DeanPeter's "Words of Wit-ness" for April , 2010 0
Via Dolorosa By: DeanPeter 1
Vessel of Love By: DeanPeter 0
The forest 0
" Anguish..On the side! Please?" 0
The Care Giver’s Reward 1
“The Journey” 1
The Shady Side of Malibu By: DeanPeter 1
K.I.S.S. 0
“Our Ship” by: DeanPeter ( Ciokiewicz) 4/5/09 0
A Strength To Be Exalted! 2
Three Furys 0
from out of the blue 0
A Day 0
Change: By: DeanPeter 1
Advice: Think Twice 0
I Await My Springtime Blossom 2
The Stairway Home 0
Tender Desires 1
Flight Of The Phoenix 0
I’M Happy For Now 0
Mother Earth Day 0
The Man On The Corner 1
The Shadow 0
A Twilight In Autumn 1
Regnes de coelorum By: DeanPeter 2
Overcoming Grief By: DeanPeter 3
City Steets..City Beats By:DeanPeter 1
Pets By: DeanPeter 2
A Twilight In Autumn 1
"From The" 1
Daddys do 6
A Calm Sunny Day 2
He speaks to me through Music.... 0
On His wings I can do all things 2
" Oct. Rain" 0
Ascending 1