The Stairway Home


Poem Commentary

I'm in the midst of writing my first book. Called "Ascending: My Journey From The Darkness to the light" My poem "ascending"
is posted in here on my poem page. It was the birthmark of my text. This poem is about the rest of that journey I  have yet to encounter...yet to achieve...yet to receive

The Stairway Home

I've been touched ...way deep down inside
One tap on the shoulder as I was taking life's ride. Now I knew that this must be real ...because everything changed form oblivion to surreal. Somehow my life had been rearranged, and climbing a staircase that was so prearranged. Climbing up and out of that pit,(the way I was existing, not listening, resiting,) is one hell of a task. Time to take off that mask and find the one true me. Time for me to believe. I've wondered out there so many a day .......He's touched me , now It's all God's way. His way and His word , and oh, There's a third. His Love here  in abundant supply... so then I need never be get on my knees and be humble to Him and ask for the tools for the climb to begin.
I'm crawling out of the bowels of Satan's den knowing the temptation might never end. But I don't care , I'm climbing those stairs and Darkness shall not reign, I'm climbing those stairs to begin again. I'm climbing those stairs for everlasting life and going to go through the hard things in life. On each landing I shall stop to rest a bit, and collect the clarity's little words of wit. I'll push on up those stairs to my place, my place in the kingdom of Love and amazing grace. Knowing I've done my very, very best, I'll find my niche....then take a rest. DeanPeter

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Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

DeanPeter’s Poems (55)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Flowers In The Sky 0
Changing of The Guide 0
Time 0
Fragile, Handle With Care 0
Deep Walk 0
Fear of Truth 0
His Word 0
DeanPeter's "Words of Wit-Ness" April '13 0
Winning 0
Sight 0
America? 0
The Rule of Three 0
A Mom 0
The Roaming Gnome 0
Easter Purpose/Easte
r Promise
A Tapestry of My Life 0
" ...And Mother Earth Rumbled!" 1
Growing Pains By: DeanPeter 0
DeanPeter's "Words of Wit-ness" for April , 2010 0
Via Dolorosa By: DeanPeter 1
Vessel of Love By: DeanPeter 0
The forest 0
" Anguish..On the side! Please?" 0
The Care Giver’s Reward 1
“The Journey” 1
The Shady Side of Malibu By: DeanPeter 1
K.I.S.S. 0
“Our Ship” by: DeanPeter ( Ciokiewicz) 4/5/09 0
A Strength To Be Exalted! 2
Three Furys 0
from out of the blue 0
A Day 0
Change: By: DeanPeter 1
Advice: Think Twice 0
I Await My Springtime Blossom 2
The Stairway Home 0
Tender Desires 1
Flight Of The Phoenix 0
I’M Happy For Now 0
Mother Earth Day 0
The Man On The Corner 1
The Shadow 0
A Twilight In Autumn 1
Regnes de coelorum By: DeanPeter 2
Overcoming Grief By: DeanPeter 3
City Steets..City Beats By:DeanPeter 1
Pets By: DeanPeter 2
A Twilight In Autumn 1
"From The" 1
Daddys do 6
A Calm Sunny Day 2
He speaks to me through Music.... 0
On His wings I can do all things 2
" Oct. Rain" 0
Ascending 1