Deep Walk


Deep Walk

“Deep Walk”

Most of life was cheap talk
and plenty of it, all the day long.
So much, in fact, they'd turn away in
dismay and unbelief
probably wondering what's underneath.
The answer would have been "nothing"
 as a matter of fact.
For the words were but the facade
and just another act.
A manufactured Shakespeare, but even more odd.
For, of life, he just wouldn't tend
and couldn't quite grasp the emotional mend.
Through this and that and the other he'd wrought
and always the rebel to which he was taught.

Then, at once, upon a day seems so long
he asked HIM in to sing a victory song.
Gather the trumpets, gather the sun
for this man's new life had just begun.
With a peace now beyond understanding
and a patience that never knew the word "demanding".
A heart full of love, 
a soul full of joy. 
No longer the boy, the actor and
purveyor of cheap talk.
Not once since the day he grabbed HIS hand
and took that deep walk!   ;)

-DeanPeter   6.14.13

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In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.

DeanPeter’s Poems (55)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Flowers In The Sky 0
Changing of The Guide 0
Time 0
Fragile, Handle With Care 0
Deep Walk 0
Fear of Truth 0
His Word 0
DeanPeter's "Words of Wit-Ness" April '13 0
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" Anguish..On the side! Please?" 0
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“The Journey” 1
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from out of the blue 0
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Change: By: DeanPeter 1
Advice: Think Twice 0
I Await My Springtime Blossom 2
The Stairway Home 0
Tender Desires 1
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The Man On The Corner 1
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