Wakeitha’s Profile

All Queens stop by and read Inner-Beauty.Give your feed back,Good bless

  • Age: private
  • Location: Memphis, TN
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: US
  • Public Profile URL:


I am a using vessel and light for our Heavenly Father. I love written, and talking to our heavenly father. I write what I feel and what he put on my mind. Written helps me and connects me with my heavenly father.I can talk to him and share anything with him and he listen to me. Because he loves me. I am different and now I know why. I was phyical, mental, and emotional abused growing up. That interferred with my life growing up. I felt like I didn't fit end or no one loved me. I felt like a person in a too little boxs that was going to squeeze life outer me. I went throught that all my life trying to fit in and make people happy but I was not happy.I looked for love in all the wrong places. I wanted to die because I felt like nobody was there for me. I am 37 years old now but the last 3 years, Somebody find me. That was Christ Jesus, he help me, changed me, taught me how to love, myself and love him. I couldnt do it by myself I had to trust him to do it for me.I had to give him all that pain and suffering I endured my whole life because it was killing me. Now, I know how it feels to have real love, and trust somebody that will never hurt me. Thank you My Lord, Anoint your poems that it can help somebody that going through. Give them the love that you gave to me. I am not trying to force anything on nobody but I wants to share my testimony to you. Christ Jesus, Help me find myself and live life with love because I thought I was nobody. He spoke to me and told one day. I Love you and I love just the way you are. I cried because I want somebody to love me just for me. I can talk to him about anything and he never hurts of let me down. He might not come when I want him but he's always there and on time. God bless, I love you with the love of Christ. He can do it for me, So I know he can do it for you. LOVE is IN him. Christ Jesus. He just waiting on you to tell him and share the pain with him. He already nows everything but you got to let him in. Yes, It was easy transforming in doing thing right but I learned that I dont live for man. I live for My Heavenly father. If I felled I just repent and ask him to help me and show me how to live like him. He is the only one who can judge you and me. I had to find out by spending time with my father that thats how satin try to keep al whole on you. Is by you past and when you fall try to make you feel like you can do it or send somebody to make you feel guilty. My friend, I learned that noone is perfect but Christ Jesus, He is the only one can change you. He will teach you how to be let him and live, walk talk and shine like him.


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martinezsese profile comment


I like your poems very inspirational I hope to learn some valuable writing skills from what I read and see in everyday experiences teaching me new ways to express my feelings thouroughly because writing to me is not only written literature but also the beauty that concludes within it.

Christina1975 profile comment


thank you

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

Wakeitha’s Poems (68)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Supernatural Love 1
My Love(Pt.3) 3
My Love(pt.2) 1
My Love (part 1) 3
Inner-Beauty 16
Daily Inspiration(D
Trust 3
Father's Day 1
Shekinah Glory Cloud 6
Sing 1
Daily Inspirational
(Day 11)
Daily Inspiratinal(
Day 10)
Reality 2
Daily Inspiration(D
ay 9)
Time 1
Break The Cycle 9
Freedom 1
Heart Ache 9
Daily Inspiration(D
ay 7)
Daily Inspiration (Day 8) 0
Daily Inspiration(D
ay 6)
Daily Inspiration(D
ay 5)
Daily inspiration(d
ay 4)
Daily Inspiration(3
Daily Inspiration(D
ay 2)
Daily inspiration(D
ay 1)
Sea Shore 2
Big Sis/Little Sis 1
Rattle Snake 1
screaming 1
Compare 1
Tame the Animal 1
Word Faucet 1
frustrated 3
(?) 6
Fight 0
Searching 4
No, Limit 7
Thank You 2
Try 2
A talk with Jesus 0
I Need Thee (GOD) 0
Tangle Up 1
Chosen 2
Build a Relationship 0
Fallen Short 0
A Calm Voice 2
Widerness 4
Wake Up 1
Grace 5
About Me 2
Breath Of Life 5
PAIN 1 4
Weeping 2
The Moment 3
What 3
Precious Moment 3
Heart Beat 2
Hurt 3
Give Up 2
Peace 6
Bride 4
My Love 4
Know 6