Charlotte’s Profile
- Age: 48
- Location: Eastpointe, MI
- Gender: Female
- Country: United States
- Public Profile URL:
Hello, my name is Charlotte Nichole,
I grew up in the Metro Detroit area and am still here. I have 4 beautiful children. Well actually 5, but my beautiful angel Samuel Brendan is with the Lord. I have been writing poetry since I could write and have 2 poems published. i am a business owner, and a very busy person. I still find time for myself and thats where poetry comes in. I am happy to join "Original Poetry" Its makes it easier for people to relate to, and for people to relate to me. I have had a rough life and poetry somehow helps to release the frustration. I have happy poetry as well, im not a negitive person. So I hope to chat with other artists and read some
new poetry. Thank you, Charlotte