LadeeBasset’s Profile

  • Age: 67
  • Location: Norfolk
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Public Profile URL:


I love poetry, especially the traditional form, that of rhyme and time and in proper metric count. I have been writing poetry/lyrics for many years. I have done recordings of my words and many of my poems have been published in various anthologies around the globe. I have recently published a collection of 100 poems in the book entitled "The Journey Home" by Ladee Basset. All of these poems are my very own in my own anthlogy. Usually an anthology consists of several authors with that one good poem they wrote as not enough material exists to have great poems cover to cover from the same author. I believe that I have accomplished that now as one poet, I have developed my own website If you enjoy poetry, then you will love this book. This book is available to download, in soft cover or hard cover.The contents of this book contain something for everyone, from love poetry to pet poetry to historical poetry. Each poem is written in rhyme and time and in proper metric count. There is a beginning, a middle and an ending. I hpe you manage to get a copy and look forward to hearing from you. My poetry has been read on several radio stations as well. I believe that poetry comes from the heart and is deeply personal. If that one great poem is written that strikes a chord in all human beings then that is a great poem. A great poem has the potential to last for generations, when that is achieved then one is a great poet no matter how many or few poems one has written. I take myself as a deeply serious and intellectual person with my words being of the same quality. I hope that one of my poems will be found in every household across the world whether it is on a postcard, a fridge magnet, on a calender or wherever, that it will truly mean something to that individual who feels the same or has experienced the same as the poem. Many people have no ability to express emotions, feelings, circumstances or troubles in words and this is what makes a poet a poet and makes a poet appreciated. I wish to be appreciated. Some words become famous such as "Footprints In The Sand" I say words as I dont regard this a poem. A true poem is indeed rhyme and time and proper metric count. How many can actually express in rhyme and time so that it flows so the reader can follow it properly and also then have the ability to turn it into a song? As not just rhyme and time must exist but also proper metric count.One of my poems will indeed become famous at some point in time whether it be while I exist or after I have departed and this is what I hope to achieve as it proves I lived! I take poetry deeply seriously and not as a game of words.


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Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.