albertkulowiyi’s Profile
tired out of my mind
- Age: 36
- Location: Savoonga, AK
- Gender: Male
- Country: United States
- Public Profile URL:
hello, my name is albert kulowiyi and i like poetry because it's a way of telling or show how u really feel like it defines that part of me. i live in alaska gratuated high school in 06 and i'm into poetry. lol who isn't. i used to wright alot but now i just don't have the time of day to wright n e more but im planning on putting a lil time away for it soon. so all of my high school stuff will be put on sometime. and I'll eventually find some time to find for new poetry also.
Recent Poems
- Reborn
- Tags: Anger, Friendship, Religion, Sadness
- Life is nothing but a freaking sight but to parish in no thing that makes a fright there's no fear to steer ones own life but instead of falling one should get up and ...
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