dancesinrainann’s Profile

this is me with my oldest grandchild Madison

  • Age: 72
  • Location: Ennis, TX
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: United States
  • Public Profile URL:


I love music for we unite and I feel and see it. We make love to each other for we become one. I love to write, ride horses, fish for trout, dance in the rain, study the Native Indians, old houses, antiques, trains, old cars, my family, God, reading, and studying the earth and it's changes. I am a tree huger and that is fine with me.
Music Blues, ragtime, jazz, southern rock, Christen, folk, classical, Music is a must in my life. It is so important for all. It will help a child to learn to read, love, laugh, and share. The things just outside is music to the ear, listen when your outside put it to music each sound is a note..
Movies FLIXSTER WIDGET END -Oklahoma, my Fair Lady, Sound of Music, Horse Whisper, The Rose, Beaches, The Way we Were, Lady and the Tramp, Black Beauty, The Dreamer, Pride and Prejudice,Cinderella Man, Tears of The Sun, The Blues Brothers, Full Metal Jacket, Must Love Dogs, Black Hawk Down, Mary Poppins, Fivel,Into the West, Band of , and E.T., Cross Roads, along with so many more just no room to write them.
Television CSI, Law and Order, Law and Order SVU, History Channel, Medical History Channel, Any thing to do with music, the this old house show. Changing places, a lot of the cooking shows. The Weather Channel I love to watch storm stories for when you see lighting it is like God giving us his own fireworks in the sky each one is a different shape and lights up the sky in a way of beauty.. It is a masterpiece from God....
Books To Touch the Earth, this is a true story of the Native Indians, The Wedding, Notebook, Any of Mary Higgins Clark Books, The Dead Zone, and many more. Anything about Horses, and the Native Indians, Trains, The Civil War, WWII, and things on music and arts...
Heroes God,Jesus, My children for they had to endure so much as they were growing up and they never gave up on me as I was so sick. They or my strength next to God. I know he is the reason for giving me the strength to go on and out live the 5ht stage of Melanoma and all the illness that came with it. I was in the hospital more than I was at home. My 5 year old learn to hang clothes out on the clothes line, and each one knew how to do all the chores in the house at the age of 10, 8, 6, and 5. They grew up fast. They love God with all their hearts. I also have a daughter Heather who is mine from a marriage not blood but love, she has 2 children also so it has given me more to love. So I have These to name in line, Elise, John, Sarah, Joshua and Heather as my children and then my grand children Madison, Noah who belong to Elise, Judah, Aiden, Bella, who belong to Sarah, Katie, and Danielle to Heather. Then in line comes Chris, Nora, Chuck, Kisha and Jason. These five have made my children loved, caring, and they give them what they need stand beside them always. I was with Elise and Sarah when they both gave birth to their children. Yet when Madison was born I was in the room with her mom and dad. I was suppose to take the pictures but ohhhh I forgot and drop the camera and just went and grab the baby...ha ha. I handed her to her mom, this was better than the pictures to me. For I just gave a part of me to another part of me. Life does go on in circles. I fight each day to live for them. They are why I chose them as my heroes next to God, and Jesus. Then comes the others in life who has been though so much, my sister Beth, who I love with all my heart and my best friend. I think Hillary Clinton is one of the strongest women there is right now in the United States and I admire her for all she has done and wants to do. She also shows great leadership in the way she raised her child, for her daughter is a strong, young lady and is a lady at that. This says a lot about a person that teaches her child morals. The mother of Jesus is one of my hero's, Martin Luther King, Jimmy Carter, Mother Theresa, Mom, for all she had to put up with. Marc my husband, Max Cleland which I have had the honor to meet, and hold his hand and pray with him the day the USS Cole was bomb in harbor. The Native Indians are among this group also for they have a saying, the earth is not ours it belongs to the future our children, so keep it clean and safe, or there will be nothing left for them. Then we will die out and there me no more. Wise words and true... Greed kills all.. This is the one I held first in 1994 so much fun we would have she loves to shop, and at 18 months we went to Toys for us and I gave her part of the money I got from selling my home. I gave all of my children some. Not much but something they needed or just some quick cash. I took her shopping thinking she would love a swing set. Wrong, She picked out a kitchen set, then told me she needed the dishes, pots and pans, and the food which I got to go with it. It had a phone on it and she would talk for hours and cook. Then she would start washing her dishes and when she turn the sink on she would make noises like the water was on. After I lost my leg in 98 she had just turn 4, she wanted to go shopping with me and told me we could shop tell we drop..:o)) I told her it would not take me long to drop right now at this time, so she said lets take your wheel chair and I will push you and then you will not drop. From the beautiful little girl who shops tell she drops to the beautiful young lady she is turning into.


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Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

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