gunshow’s Profile
is about to go night night
- Age: 45
- Location: Fort Stewart, GA
- Gender: Male
- Country: United States
- Public Profile URL:
I am married to a beautiful woman and have three amazing kids and the four of them are the center of my inspiration, not so much as a poet but my inspiration of trying to be the best man I can. They provide me with all the feelings and joys and wants that I need. I am currently in the Army stationed at Fort Stewart home of the 3rd Infantry Division. I have done a couple of tours but my last was interrupted by a roadside bomb that was a sweet sour esperience, it got me out of Iraq, that was sweet, it hurt like...well I will just use one of my Grandfathers terms it hurt like "All get out" I dont understand it but I am pretty sure it means alot. If anybody has any Q's for me ask, I got all kinds of answers to lend probably mostly wrong thats why I lend them so you can give em back when you find out that they were phony. But I am a people person so I am up to meet everybody.
Recent Poems
- A Constant Fear
- Tags: Death, Loss, War, Dreams, Sadness
- The silence is thick and it smothersThe stillness beckons a movement but there is noneOut of the corner something movesIt is Fear coming back to seize my thoughtsI ...
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