jademelissa74’s Profile

  • Age: 50
  • Location: Houston, TX
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: US
  • Public Profile URL:


I always smile whenever I read biographies, especially when I am being asked for one, only because I find it rather entertaining for a person to share certain events and circumstances of their life for others to interpret. I believe a biography can be reckoned by anybody who really stops to consider just how many people would ever know the real truth about the author's affairs, how many people are able to handle the truth, if indeed is given. I guess what I can consider 'fair' to say about me, is that I love writing...Welcome to my thoughts!


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tierra7 profile comment


Dagot'ee , dear friend, another year brings us all together to say goodbye to 2014 as we welcome 2015 I want 2wish you a most Fascinatin' New Year filled With Happiness Light and all the good Stuff ((((huggs)))) Tierra N Terry too ;-)

henryb3 profile comment


You left us with just one when we know you have more where ever you may be we hope and pray you are safe and that one day soon you will be back to share where you have been

tierra7 profile comment


Erika! Where are You???? Miss Ya!! I hope All is well in your part of Planet Earth... Huggs, Blessings n much Luv sent in your direction!!!



I'm still wondering as well. I miss her poetic magic.

Knwldge profile comment


sorry typo,, if everybody let creativity take over

Knwldge profile comment


this is not a bad piece, in fact it's damn good,, if only everybody could clear their heads life that and just let p Jason take over, good work

Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

jademelissa74’s Poems (1)

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Title Comments
"Immunity" 15