mwiti’s Profile

  • Age: 55
  • Location: Nairobi
  • Gender: Male
  • Country: Kenya
  • Public Profile URL:


Preferred name: Mwiti Marete. Pen name: Mwiti-o-M'Marete.
Published poet, newspaper and magazine editor, award-winning journalist, computer graphic designer and retired banker. Author of "Pepo Nne: Diwani ya Malenga wa Mlima Meru" (1999) [in Kiswahili, loosely translated as "The Four Winds: An Anthology of Poems by the Bard of Mt Meru"].
Born in Meru, Kenya (on the slopes of Mt Kenya), married to one wife, dotting father of a son and two daughters.
Currently sub-editor with the "Daily Nation" English newspaper in Nairobi.


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If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.