Purposely Misinterpreting love


  • Emotional

    Purposely Misinterpreting love

    In the beginning you ask me what I like
    If I knew then your plan I would have been your Ike
    I can't believe that you are as fake as kiss press on nails
    You look good until time weakens you and make you let down your Gard
    If I knew then you were fake I'd have pulled your card
    I can't believe a grown ass man is still playing pretend
    But the pain you have caused is not imaginary
    It is real, and this shit is scary
    You mean to tell me you imagined yourself as the one i want
    and your intentions was to to pretend until you got caught
    How dare you steal my "Precious" time
    Did you really think that it wasn't Worth a dime.
    It's been 6 years now
    and I'm just finding out that your a "Clown"
    Hmmm hold up! This shit ain't funny!
    Your dum ass has coast me money!
    What about the two kids I carried
    I was hopping buy now we would be Married!
    You gave me a ring and called me your "Fiance"
    But all the while you were just trying to keep the other neggas at bay
    You don't want me I'm just a trophy
    I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't 'Know Me"
    You would think buy now you would have a clue Buy the time I'm done "You" Will be the one crying the blues.
    If you only knew what you had
    You wouldn't be so dam sad
    I'm moving to the right
    because to the left is were you are
    I'm going to get my man that god hath made for me!
    It wont be your tired ass that just got games to play on me
    With the pure love I give your response is "Bingo!
    That why I'm leaving your ass in a paroles linggo
    Baby please don't beg, don't cry
    Just kiss me and your kids good buy
    "Were off to find a Winner " We walk the Yellow Brick Road
    To the Land were there are Princess, and Kings, and Hero's
    You see I can pretend to, I have an imagination!
    Oooh! "But I'm not playing game's!
    I'm going to find that Prince that will give me his last name. LOL!

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    modica3 commented on Purposely Misinterpreting love


    ur poem is very deep and has alot of meaning..stay true and keep ur head up. god bless u... modica3.. contact me at jmodica1970@yahoo.com

    nosyrosy81 commented on Purposely Misinterpreting love


    i like this rachelle....you say it how it is.

    If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

    rachelle2009’s Poems (1)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Purposely Misinterpreti
    ng love