Quiet Softness


  • Love

    Quiet Softness

    In the quiet softness of the morning I lay, thinking
    Drinking in the vision of you in my vanished dreams
    That warmed me through the still, lonely night
    Fight thoughts of time spent without you to no avail

    Derail aspirations and desires? I think not, only delay
    The day our lives are joined, coupled beyond weekends
    That satisfy and at once wound our love’s desire
    Conspire to bring schemes into our minds to make it so

    Though distance is our enemy, it is what we’ve been dealt
    Gestalt becomes our friend, bringing us together, united
    In thoughts never imagined to be our own, now ours
    Powers us to get through the day, brings us again to hope

    Elope, your heart with mine to a special place to dream
    Steam glistens off the silky lake, we bathe together enrapt
    Sharing quiet moments alone, floating as one, content
    Torment in being apart soon vanquished, at least for now

    How do we make these dreams come true? Me and you
    Slay distance in it’s fiery tracks, banish loneliness forever
    From our door? Meantime, your voice rings in my head
    My bed comforts me knowing I'll again dream of you soon

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    bandit1192 commented on Quiet Softness


    Came across your page by chance and started reading. Glad I did. This poem was Wonderful.

    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    DanMan’s Poems (10)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    The original poem of seasons 1
    You are my Bouquet 1
    Reincarnation 0
    Voice of Choice 0
    Seasoned 3
    Sunday not in the park 1
    Wings of Prayer 2
    Rekindled lives 1
    Sweet Delight 1
    Quiet Softness 1