Wave Cycle, Phase 1
From out of the primordial essence of God’s Heart, a soul is born.
From the heights of ultimate bliss, a soul must descend in established law.
From man’s heavenly heights, a soul waits to be born.
Aeons expire, and lifetimes pass through the stages of mineral, plant, animal, and man.
Shaped and formed by time, a soul finds life in the material world again.
The laws of God so decreed the how of a soul’s returned ascent.
The legions of man’s created God may attack the borders of the Almighty.
Curses and shaking fists seek to open their dark gates.
But the Lord of Lords sleeps, contented His will is done in law.
Finally, when man turns their ear to the heavenly music of His WORD,
An ancient audible so old that time has no relation,
The awakening of self begins, and Soul begins Its ascent into Itself.
Is it any wonder why Sound touches us so deeply?
It was a time of savagery and hardship survival.
People of the land suffered greatly as Nobles went to war.
But out of such ashes, a boy was born.
A mere Peasant, trained by his father as a lumberjack,
He grew up without the touch of war’s passionate demons.
Neither could the lusts and greed of others touch him - possessing nothing.
Uneventful years passed until he went to his first Gathering.
The nearest City was burgeoning in celebration,
While craftsmen from the twelve provinces sought private victories.
An unquenchable drive filled the boy’s spirit, but he knew it not.
Then he heard a Harper play and his life was sealed.
A Harper he’d become, for only in sound could he be alive.
A boy, nearly a man in such a time, was told he was unsuitable for the craft.
The Harper’s Hall only accepted them young, so the training would evolve properly.
Using little compassion, the Harper fire bombed a boy’s dream.
As the blue robbed figure slowly disappeared, a phoenix spirit was born.
Sound, the ability to produce melody, was a dream of his truth.
Dusting the ashes off his dream, he walked forward in renewed determination.
A life student of the woods, nature wild was the boy’s playground.
It allowed him to follow the Harper beyond City walls,
He was never seen as he trailed the figure for days.
The grand Harper’s Hall was protected in secrecy and sheltered inside a wooded land.
Almost afraid to take the next mighty step, an unknown sound filled Soul.
He couldn’t say where it came from, neither could he describe it.
The Sound shook the boy to the core of his being, throwing self upon his funeral pyre.
Then like the phoenix being reborn, his heart cried for the Dream.
It didn’t matter what the obstacle might be, the dream must live.
The Grandmaster gave word to see the nuisance at the gates.
The Grandmaster couldn’t resist the dream and let the boy stay.
The secret Sound of Soul sung the dream into a living truth.
Wave Cycle, Phase 2
Talents and abilities are a combination of Soul inborn natures and DNA codes.
Virtues are Soul tools in becoming more than man, evolving past limitations denying true dreams.
But is it wise to desire something not suited to at one’s birth?
Dreams transfigure life into a glorious adventure in a Dreamer’s manifestation.
Soul lives the dream of life, seeking to become free from limitations bonded in law.
Only the Dreamer who persists in the ideal can a miracle truly become real to all.
Yet, the Dreamer must become as a child for the Sound to be.
The private / secret melody that confers life upon Soul,
A heart string melody guiding the way, dreams nothing into something.
Only by the vision of a dream fulfilled, will man do the small steps.
Everything must obey law for realization of a dream’s manifestation.
The tiny steps build into a greater, and with continued effort, into a mighty.
Sound? ... The listener shakes their head, not understanding. .... be patient, and listen.
The boy, named Zero by the privileged students, accepted their taunts with a laugh.
The perfect symbol for Soul, note, the ideal of sound, he saw himself so labeled.
The classes were beyond his talents and abilities, but persistent to conquer, he remained.
Every Harper must know how to make their own instruments.
As in life, everyone must take responsibility for themselves.
So a wondrous time was spent in shaping wood and crafting.
After a time, he was called before the Grandmaster.
"Child, you’ve a wonderful gift of making,
"But alas, your skills of the string and voice are beyond - "
"Please don’t say the words," Zero cried out in a heart quaking start.
"You must be wrong. My dream says differently."
Zero faces the compassionate eyes of a friend and turned away.
Knowing the truth that he’d learned all he could here, he left.
Voices of others laughed, harking their customary insults.
But the Sound drove Soul onward, seeking a new way.
Man may only see the how of something done in a certain way.
Dreams see beyond all limitations, showing another way.
Dreams caught in the spirit, seek to make their way a living truth.
Possessing a Journeyman’s knowledge of music and a Harper’s base knowledge,
Zero sought seclusion from all people, so he could practice.
Fully armored in survival talents, he became happy being alone.
Wave Cycle, Phase 3
Sound, or life, a spirit of love that empowers all to the Almighty’s Heart,
Speaks in many melodies, vibrational frequencies that Soul must visit before finding home again.
It’s the melody of the Heart, a sound that drives Soul forward to do, which means everything.
Man may play the note, or give voice to a sound, but they’re also deaf to the cosmic plan.
Man dances in a mighty orchestra of sound they hear not until they free themselves.
Man holds the power to be free, but chooses to be the slave.
Nevertheless, the Sound playing in an individual’s heart unshackles all chains.
It allows Soul to free Itself from body limitations and relearn what It knows already.
The internal beat, if one chooses to listen, lifts Soul beyond man’s binding passions.
Mind the master is the slave maker, drawing Soul into darkness.
Passions obscure the light of God’s Sound, sinking Soul into an abyss.
But when Soul listens to their Sound, mind surrenders as a perfect servant.
The secret of the ages given is a precious jewel, yet, many can’t see or hear.
Man creates noise to make themselves deaf to their individual sound.
But as Zero finds the shelter of the woods, the silence in time heard becomes deafening.
All life suddenly fills every aspect of his being, causing a joy to be in untold measure.
Seeking and finding internal rhythms: the sound of a tree, plant and animals around,
His rough voice and large callused fingers found their song.
No one could judge, while life returned his joy many fold.
He observed teachers and students alike knew how to produce a melody.
But the feeling behind it was cold, a soul left barren to their gift.
Yet, to the common ear, the music of man was glorious to judge.
Determined to be a true Harper of sound, he feverishly studied.
Taking a sing cord, he’d play continuously until it became part of Soul beingness.
But he didn’t stop there as so many before him usually did.
Seeking the greater sound of the cord play, weeks would pass.
The sound of a word or chant is much more than voicing the syllable.
The simple breath, Zero based his life upon, unifying Soul with the cord.
Able to be a cord sound awoke the wonders of music.
Like the fledgling learning to fly, so God’s Sound guided in wisdom.
Zero kept going back to square one to start the whole process over.
Cord after cord became an ultimate song of bliss.
A single noted melody drove Soul into rapture.
The music of Soul sent Zero flying beyond body consciousness.
Unifying even further to the Soul melody of his heart,
Zero abandoned himself to spirit’s undertow.
Finally, he saw it: a Golden Harp.
Gently laying hands on it and playing the cords, Zero became.
No longer was he inadequate, but had become a Master player.
Melody after melody filled the All until he had to return to his body.
Zero looked at his Peasant hands, strong yes, but unsuitable to music.
Zero heard his voice as he sung out, and shuttered at his gravel sound.
Then he remembered the perfection of the Golden Harp and became a true Harper spirit.
Wave Cycle, Phase 4
Man may gain a piece of wisdom and insight of the Divine.
They may receive enlightenments and illuminations to transfigure into tiny suns.
But like man, they must spin a web of understanding, failing the gift.
How dare a simple man unearth God’s glory over the Clergy mind.
How dare a Peasant see more than a Noble or scientific mind.
As these great minds pretend to be, they weave falsehoods to pacify.
What would happen if all were given true sight?
They’d rather blind and deaf themselves, and then be told what to believe.
Only the strong and adventuresome may travel beyond the standard.
Advances in God’s Grace is sweet, but treacherous to the undisciplined.
Virtues and ethics are keynotes to one’s beingness.
"Please don’t tell me that," man cries as a whole.
The mighty truth: only the individual may choose to take the God steps.
Untrained, nor understanding his experience, Zero believed the harp to exist in his world.
A magic harp would make things right with him, he sung with passion.
It begun his long journey of self discovery, traveling lands few people knew in completeness.
A Harper is more than a master of the string and storytells.
Some may have mastered the reed, drums and ....
For this reason alone, Zero crafted instruments other than the Harper’s bow.
His talent paid his way over the lands, while the stars were blessed by Sound.
His melodies were simple, but each cord played inside all life.
Over time, he grew to understand how a cord could affect change.
Caught in a blizzard, traveling harp in hand, he kept warm and protected inside a cord.
Man huddles inside their shelters, while Zero faced the raw fury alone.
He lived a life no amount of gold could pay for, slowly forgetting his passion.
Back in the land of his birth, near the first woods he found shelter he played.
Completely expunged of all falsehoods, he corded joy and his bliss.
A Harper he’d became through deed, even if he couldn’t be so called by man.
Animals always knew the privilege of the Sound and gathered.
Killers of flesh rested in peace with their prey as they listened.
It didn’t matter that Zero wasn’t Harper quality, since he was Sound.
Gathering up his supplies and pack animal, he headed to the Gathering.
As before in his youth, happy spirits drowned out their Sound,
Seeking out the bottle of intoxications and pleasures of the flesh was the ticket to happiness.
The Harper’s tent and space had grown over the years, well guarded by warriors of steel.
Checking his goods, they let him inside the trading arena, a small corral.
The Harper trader’s eyes flared red in greed, but hid his face.
Seeing it didn’t have a Harper’s sign, he was offered less than their worth.
Refusing the bait of insult, Zero tried to leave in peace.
But greed doesn’t act kind as he was taken and stripped of all possessions.
Failing to bind his voice, the true instrument of the body, Zero peacefully escaped.
Wave Cycle, Phase 5
A God walker aren’t softies to be abused by another’s passions.
Strength armored in virtues, they may chose to gain amends.
A lover of God loves all, true, but discrimination of such love must be.
Grace of God can lift a mountain upside down if so desired.
The Love of God may part the seas on command.
But it’s discrimination in wisdom that such power is to be used.
And listen. dear ones, who listen, not all God walkers are alike.
Some may turn their cheeks, while others may strike you down.
But a lover of God can do worse: they’ll transform you in softness.
Transfiguration of Soul and self are the ultimate ideals of a God walker.
Such an individual listens intently upon the Sound of their heart.
And if spirit whispers a call to do, worlds may change upon the word.
For this reason alone, dear ones, look to each other in the light of a God walker.
Zero located the Harper’s Hall and calmly spoke his story to the Grandmaster.
Though new to his role, but crafted well in goodness, rightness prevailed.
Given permission to stay, he joined the classes where allowed.
"The Golden Harp is our instrument and Sound for Soul," a teacher said.
The class listened intently as Zero, discovering a truth he knew.
"Any ordinary harp played by a Harper blessed in Sound becomes magical."
A lifetime of discoveries falls into place from a few words spoken.
Wisdom of the ages always finds expression, even if hidden.
But a Seeker of truth discovers the fountainhead for all Wisdom.
"Some say, a Golden Harp of Power is played by a Harper unknown.
"Legends walk the land about such a treasure hidden from man’s eyes.
"It’s the duty of all Harpers to find this Harp and Harper, if they exist."
Little did Zero know his searching had created the legend.
He left the class, contented that the wisdom had become part of him.
A Soul song sprung from the well of joyful beingness, but here, he remained silent.
"Boy," an old Harper called to him, "I wish for your aide."
The old Harper’s passion was to find the Golden Harp, a quest he walked for years.
Together, they left the Hall and entered life’s dreams, following heart sounds.
Zero hummed a melody, a whisper sound.
It made all the harps in the Hall sound golden.
The Grandmaster laughed, knowing his predecessor was correct.
The Golden Harp had been found, but he doesn’t see his brotherhood in them.
Chapter 2
Silent Heroes abound in uncountable numbers, but can’t be seen.
Small graces touch the lives of all, but they’re also unseen.
The love of God constantly downpours Itself, while the children turn their heads.
The precious ones of life are those with open hearts, unafraid to give.
Naked and seemingly unprotected, they grace us with their light and sound.
These Chosens, fearless to see truth, risk all to serve God.
Hail O Silent Walker, one who’s hidden by the faces of the masses.
Walk your step unseen as small gifts of love are imparted.
For thee has given man his salvation, love from an open heart.
The angels of heaven sing of a Golden Heart, a Soul realized being.
They say the learnered eyes can’t see, only those with child eyes.
Neither will common eyes see such God’s Grace, for their world is solid.
Is it any wonder why small gifts of love are discarded by the narrow sighted?
Lip service may hearken words of power, but the letter rings cold and dead.
Do you see, dear ones, without an open heart, the voice says nothing?
A child speaks, but the adult believes they know better, deafening their ear.
Dear pets offer their love in ways only they can do and then are rebuked for their nature.
Is it any wonder how a Silent Walker can become invisible to all that see them?
The Winds of Change harken upon a Divine’s note, a spirit’s will not to be denied.
Zero accepted the magic of his binding to Zenk the Harper.
The Old One crafted the song for Friendship’s spirit to overcome the boy’s feelings toward the Harper’s Guild.
But dark realities crashed around them as they saw City flags.
Zero drew from his horse’s saddle packs, a traveling harp.
Lightly stringing a cord of protection, he walked forward alone.
"I ordered a set of carving knives," he insisted, facing the black plague straight forward.
Those gifted to see truth with an open heart, while accepting God’s touch of Grace," Zero continued to say,
"May walk forward as the world around them crashes and burns, fearless in law’s demand.
"All natures sound inside laws man sees not, making them fear their Creator."
Zero, beginning his walk beyond man’s vision, witness’ the wrongness cloaking the City.
Magic is only nature mastered, but those with truth eyes, command the wisdom.
Gaining the prize he sought, he headed for a Castle’s tower.
Overlooking the City from the heights, he felt free to play his Golden Harp.
The Harper doesn’t dictate its Sound or melody, but just maintains an open heart.
Unifying himself with the Sound, he felt like a true Harper.
Suddenly the City was set aflame by a rain of spiritual fire.
The wrongness disappeared, an unknown magical attack upon the City.
When the flames started to die, the heavens opened up with an unseen watery deluge.
Common eyes would see nothing, afraid to go further than what they believe.
Educated eyes may witness the effects of change, and so, believe they know.
Only those free from material chains could be so blessed to see Divine’s hand.
The water washed away the debris of the fire, a storm that didn’t leave a mark.
As the City fell into a healing sleep, Zero left unseen.
A Silent Walker doesn’t need acclaim for deeds, since service is everything.
"What happened?" Zenk tried to understand, seeing a spark of light unidentified, unable to keep up with him.
Neither does a Silent Walker brag about deeds, so Zero shrugged and headed outward, beyond City walls..
There was more, Zenk knew, and to serve, he’d have to be brave as Zero appeared to be.
"Do you know about the Golden Harp?" Zenk finally voiced his need around their camp fire.
"Where could it be? How can we get it?" His passion was unleashed.
Gazing at the fire elementals at play, he smiled, replying, "listen."
The shrouds of secrecy had to be peeled ever so slowly.
As a Silent Walker, Zero had built insurmountable walls for protection.
The passageway to the inner sanctum is always through the Heart, a friendship born.
Trained to see and listen, a Harper’s gift to teach in storytells,
Zenk agreed with the Grandmaster, the boy’s hiding.
Time was his enemy, which he tempered in virtue.
Give freedom to another to be themselves, and the nature of their voice will always be known.
Chapter 3
Light in all its myriad expressions allows us to see Sound in its varied frequencies.
The human voice is but a reflection of our internal sound, the melody of Soul.
The human eyes sees the reflection of light to move in the world.
It’s only through silence we discover the true sound of God’s bow string.
Soul hungrily seeks the string cord for rapture and ecstasy in untold measure.
The bliss received creates a servant supreme, obeying their true sound.
Individuals we are, God’s blessing, so no cord is exactly the same.
Why do we travel miles to be at an ocean side?
Our internal rhythm seeks to experience a Sound melody.
Church bells sing harsh awakenings, and then captures through hypnotic traps.
Or the river’s sound lulls the mind into lethargic tranquility.
But hear the reed, a single note, sets Soul free.
We all possess a quality to see and hear, though we may disregard it.
Some who tell their stories may sadden the Seeker.
Look to the gifts of perception, dear one, and then see and hear.
If one has a deaf ear or sightless eye, rejoice.
God’s own Eye: the Imagination, is our greatest gift.
Using feeling to paint the colors, pretend to see and hear thy dream, and then know its true.
The awakening may be slow or swift, but God’s string always plays.
Soul always listen, attempting to sing through Itself to the body.
Man invariably must open their hearts for this truth to be so.
The Wind bloweth, carrying ITS Holy message, the Golden Harp strings life.
Travelers by necessity must be self sufficient in many facets of life.
So it was up to Zero to teach the Master how to live, or he’d perish.
Recognizing truth and possessing an open ear, the Master tread Zero’s pathways.
Sitting upon a rock overlooking a waterfall and lake, Zero throws stones.
"What’s on your mind? Or better yet, tell me what you know about the Golden Harp."
The Old man stroked his thick white beard, while fixating his eye upon the youth.
The boy smiled, raptured inside a joy beyond words, and threw more rocks.
"What do you see the rock doing?" Was his simply reply as another rock hit the calm waters.
Zero closed his eyes and ears, opening his heart to hear his Master of the string speak.
"Ripples, of course . . . a splash . . . the sound of splashing waters . . . light flickering off -"
Zero interrupted, "Ripples are the cord songs, joining the main cord, so each cord is important,
"It’s why the smallest ripple can have a profound effect within life."
Zero then left like a phantom, seeking some place in the wilderness, a daily exercise.
Zenk was left alone to contemplate the strange mind of a boy too young to be so old.
It took time for the trappings of City and Halls to wear off, so he could understand the wisdom spoken.
Weeks passed, and Zenk wasn’t any closer to his goal, but "Oh", did he see.
Zero was part of life so deeply, life sought him out for life.
Animals, small or large, docile or predatory, all came to him in peace.
Man, to survive, must have love from someone, and so the creatures gave their hearts.
Zero couldn’t show his true face, but with the creatures, they easily saw.
But mostly, as in man, they came to have their bodies healed.
Zero wasn’t a spellmaker or dispenser of magic, yet, he performed miracles.
He’d just play his harp as they listened and the sound they heard id the healing.
But however Zenk tried to do the same, his fingers were cold to the spirit.
Weather and the elements were playthings to Zero’s harp, but he used it only for protection.
Direction of purpose were played upon a single cord, and they’d travel fast or slow.
Zero avoided direct contact with man, but aided them in silent ways.
Something was different as they rode their horses at full gallop.
Darkness was complete, except for moonlight shining on a farmer’s cabin.
A haggard young farmer sat on his wooden doorsteps, crying.
His family: wife and three children were stricken by some illness, and he was left powerless.
Zero threw a clomp of weeds into his lap, "do you know what those are?"
The farmer looked up in surprise, saying how he had to dig them up often.
"By the virtue of the Harper’s Hall," Zero said, heralding its greatness and knowledge of how to use the herb.
Then soon after they left in an easy pace, silent, looking up at a night sky star bright in joy.
"Ripples," Zenk thought, seeing the moment when Zero picked the weed and its profound effect later.
Forevermore, the simple and annoying weed would become a healing agent for his neighbors, and the families upon families beyond.
Once man latches onto a discovery, heaven or hell won’t sway their minds.
Nor is the original conveyer of knowledge known, holding no importance to their immediate needs.
The world of silence was a heart song, receiving intangibles in return.
Zero loved life, and so life loved him in return. The Master was beginning to see this simple truth.
A simple cord played rightly and in its proper place could be miraculous.
Whenever they traveled through tows or cities, they’d remain unseen though visible.
"Become like those around you, and you’ll remain unnoticed," Zero’s words held true.
But a ripple of purpose could change the balance of things most dramatically.
A simple word, phrase or noted cord played at critical points in man’s drama,
A smile, handshake or a friendship giving of good will,
Small gifts of Soul have always been the pebble to topple false empires.
And so they traveled, leaving some man placed fortresses in chaos,
While balance would be quick to come, since the cause of the song was always true.
Two Harpers distant played their instruments from afar, seeding mans’ soul with freedom and peace.
Chapter 4
Man lives reactively upon their sensory impulses, while the mind remains unstrung.
Emotions flame without reason, drowning all in passion.
Rising from the waters of excess, Soul sees, causing man to cringe in fear.
Seeing closely for a moment, man’s mind rebels, taking over all conscious thought.
Soul recedes from sight, letting passions to have their sway.
It’s up to the individual to have self discipline and responsibility, a truth unacceptable.
Slaves of mind hide in ignorance, while the laws of God run true.
Nor can man’s belief overcome the eternal laws set in the Alpha time.
Yet, man clings to their ignorance, hoping their worded falsehood hold true.
It’s why man largely seeks power over love, even when they vow at the top of their lungs, it’s not true.
By deeds and actions, truth is known, the byproduct of one’s true nature.
So as we go about the world, do we play the songs of love or power?
Love is found in gentle kindness, freedom of being, and to keep the "unnecessary" silent.
Power is seen in all things of creation, necessary for life.
Soul balances these natures in discrimination, touched by the golden cord of love.
This night, the heavens scream its light as the stars shine brightly.
The air crisp with anticipation, breathes in the expectation of something great.
A lone star above heralds the coming, and so, a song is born.
Two brethren of the string sit together in the stark beauty of their night.
Discussions and discourse elapsed to the midnight hour, while a camp fire flickered off their skin.
Joy of their craft lifted them beyond their fleshly discomforts.
The Old man had forgotten his active search, intrigued more by the young harper.
Months and many adventures passed, and he still couldn’t grasp the cord Zero talked about.
The ancient secret of the string was hidden from seeking eyes, but the boy -
"What is more powerful, audibles of the ear or silence?"
The quest was posed during the night’s discourse, causing the Old man to answer in silence.
The young man laughed, seeing that the Harper knew not the answer.
The night’s silent beckoning, a star song of need, played through receptive fingers.
The darkness of a night’s light easily hid the magical shift of a star song.
Two Harpers opened their eyes to a morning and different land.
Sensitive minds such as Harpers can read atmospheres like a page in a book.
It matters not that cries of spirit are miles distant, it’s known.
But when a land lives upon the negative string, the atmospheres of light darken.
The mind fills with questions, but the two Harpers remain silent.
Bodies move with practiced ease in duties for travel.
Zero, the focal point of the star song, smiles and laughs as he took to the road.
"We’re in a land Harpers travel not," Zenk said, feeling too deep the darkness.
"Do you know how and why of our space shift?"
Zenk sat his horse, relaxed with his harp in hand, but alert for danger.
"I live the Harper’s Code Master, so to me, I’m called to play here."
Zero looked toward the heavens and sung, "Silence first spoke, and now we live inside its Sound."
His heart aflamed by secret melodies, Soul cried in joy to serve.
They neared the capital city to the land, layered by strings of noted darkness.
Harpers perception read the complexities of emotions as stringed notes.
Eyes saw the poverty and dead eyes of the City’s denizen’s eyes.
Armored guards wore their livery as puffed up peacocks,
Expecting obedient reaction to their words and desires.
With the King’s name on their lips, their cruelty knew no bounds.
Zero’s eyes and heart penetrated the darkness as a living knife.
Guards turned their faces, hoping he’d leave their sight quickly.
So it became, two Harpers had entered the City of War.
Lands of War know the dangers of having a Harper near their forces.
Legends sing constantly of how the powers of the string overcome.
But there was no "Golden Harp" for ages, so the songs were only legend.
The noon hour gave the merchants voices to hawk their wares,
While others not so industrious sought wealth through other street professions.
It’s human nature for the powerful to prey among the weak, more so in a dark land.
The weak of spirit fall prey to the dark elements and live in bondage.
The string of spirit may overcome little battles before they die.
Glory comes to those who stand against dark’s tide, for they stand as God’s vanguard.
The dark’s advance of the human soul will ultimately loose.
The unwritten law lives upon life’s tongue, which Harper’s sing.
Once the light of truth is ignited, no force can extinguish it.
The two Harpers sit a courtyard fountain.
The sound of water rhythms life’s word, awakening spirit’s song.
They look around as deaf ears squander their energies to excess.
"Master, "I’ve finished crafting this harp for you. Will you play it for me?"
Zenk takes hold of the gift in tears, feeling the love in it.
"I’m not a Harper as you are," Zero said, "Play for them."
Master Zenk gazed into the bright eyes of the youth knowing his hidden spirit.
The boy’s technique and mechanical abilities weren’t up to a Harper’s par, but then -
"Oh!" He had cried when hearing the boy play to his animal friends, a sound born of legends.
The Master started to finger the harp’s strings, feeling for the right melody.
"Remember what I said about my theory of the Golden Harp."
Zenk indeed recalled and smiled, seeing truth for the first time.
Lost in the music he played, he didn’t see Zero leave.
A golden glow filled his heart, giving his finger’s new life.
A melody of "changing" started until it became life in transfiguration.
Zero found himself upon the roof of the King’s Castle, overlooking all before him.
Then he played his Golden Harp spirit, not so much as a physical creation, but rather as Soul in sound.
Strings of life cord every molecule and knowing these cords, Zero commands life.
Listening to the secret sound of the Golden Harp, an audible not heard by human ears,
Zero plays his traveling harp, glowing a golden aura until he disappears in light.
His sound filled Zenk’s spirt, giving him the way for his awakening.
Can darkness hold off the rising sun? Truth is the same.
Master Zenk’s sound broke up the dark’s hypnotics, opening eyes and hearts.
The wave of light swept the land, burning away the land’s corruptions.
When Zenk finished, he knew his duty to these people he played for, while his heart ached.
Zero had gone, passing off a gift, and then disappeared in the Golden Harp’s space shift.
Then he remembered Zero’s last message: "practice your Heart’s Flame to know the Golden Harp’s sound."
It’ll be years before he could contact his Harper’s Hall, but he promised to the Silence:
"Zero is a true Harper of uncommon ability, and shall be ranked as a Master."
Then he laughed, knowing such titles meant little to the boy.
A Dark Night of Soul comes to all men and in myriad ways, especially at endings..
Some are short lived or long standing, depending on the individual’s truth awakening.
The answer always: which direction does Soul see, to the light or darkness?
Emotions may swamp our senses, while the spirit inspires.
Living reactive lives, man only sees effect and the pain.
The string of spirit looks toward truth and sees only light, regardless of outward conditions.
A Dark Night for Soul may be short lived by seeing one star in the heavens.
But when the night skies burn bright in star light, is it dark?
Soul looks toward the heavens and sings Its pure joy in life.
Zero laughed as he sat a mountain top overlooking a bottomless gorge, feeling the emptiness of his Dark Night.
Chapter 5
Years passed, yet, Zero hadn’t aged in skin from the last time Zenk saw him.
Great strides were made in uniting territories and factions, creating peace and prosperity.
The Harpers were living in their Golden Age becoming a true power for good.
When Zenk returned to the Harper’s Hall, only then did he know.
Zero was close by, remaining invisible to all according to the Harper Hall’s early demands.
Having lived beyond his time, he now found purpose to live longer.
Zero had learned to be anywhere without going anywhere.
His golden cords had touched every part of the world, but only silence heard.
To those who saw him, he was but a hermit of the forest.
Sometimes he’d meet a student Harper and then help them out of their Dark Night.
Human minds don’t remember the helpers, only the relief of pain and sense of freedom.
Igniting a new star light and golden flame, Zero was happy.
Walking the streets of town, the two met and grasped each other in a natural hug, smiling.
Caught in the true purpose, Zero accepted the Master’s ride to the Harper’s Hall.
Beginnings and endings come together in an unbroken circle, so the big question is:
Do we need a place to run to be?
The Alpha and Omega are just moments to Soul, each alike,
And different, so why do we struggle?
Man by his nature is a living instrument, corded to play the universe.
Spoken words have power, while the letter, symbol and meaning color creation.
Open to truth, the majestic melody Soul plays within the heart is always heard.
Given the temple of clay to move and have beingness, man lives.
Soul activates each cell of the body, corded in specific vibrations.
Strings of life pattern the vibrations we live, so listen to the silence.
Man stands forward as a glorified creation, able to sing spirit into life.
Each word uttered potentially strings forth a wave of sound.
But in doing so, what have you chosen: light or darkness?
The Golden Harpist was herald to the known lands.
Zero humbly accepted the honors given.
He said to all, "What I do is little."
The message was always the same:
"Everyone carries the flame of the Golden Harp.
"All you have to do is just play your heart and know truth."
Zero’s gift wasn’t in playing the Harp.
His generosity of spirit, ability to love unconditionally
Was the true blessing of spirit to life.
A golden stringed note audibles life. "Oh, precious one, do you hear it?"
Wave Cycle, Phase 1
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