The Letter


  • Emotional

    The Letter

    Dear Person on the inside,
    I'm sitting here and I can't sleep. Eyes wide open, i want to cry.What's wrong with me?! Why do i have all these problems? If i were gone would anybody care? I YELL for help from the inside, but when i open my mouth nothing comes out.
    I want to yell, "HELP ME!! HELP ME!! Make ALL my problems go away!!!" But nothing.....again, nothing comes out. I try to pretend my life is perfect, at school i put on a show, knowing my life isn't how it should be. People my age shouldn't have all these problems, but i guess anything can happen nowadays. 
    I wish, oh i wish i didn't feel this way. I want to hurt myself sometimes and i really don't know why. I'm happy one second then sad the next.Why, oh why do i feel like this? At night i can't sleep, I'm up all the time. Why must this happen to me? Fallen asleep in class, that's not me, but staying up all night doesn't help either.
    Life has become so boring to me, why am i still here? It's all the same day after day. I really don't know what's wrong with me, but i do want to be normal again. I want to say this is the end of all my pain and misery. And when i do it's gonna be a happy day. And i can go play, be with my friends, happy all over again.

       The Person on the Outside  

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    IreSunn commented on The Letter


    I remember being the person on the outside, sometimes I find her every now and then. The person on the outside sometimes is the one that protects the special person on the inside. I welcome my person on the outside during my most difficult moments. I know she's taking me to a new sense of self and awareness.

    In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

    Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.

    ScoobyRules’s Poems (6)

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