There Is Nothing Or Noone That Can Break Me


  • Emotional

    There Is Nothing Or Noone That Can Break Me

    People try so hard to break and bring others down,
    I don't let it get to me, I don't let my face frown.
    Nothing or noone can ever break me,
    I am strong, confident and will keep goin like the energizer bunny.
    Others want to see me down and out,
    That's funny cuz I'm still holdin my head up and have no doubts.
    Karma's a bitch, and what comes around, goes around,
    No matter what people say or try to do, my head will not hang down.
    There is nothing or noone that can break me,
    I have myself, my kids, my friends and I am happy.
    There is nothing or noone that can break me,
    It's funny to know people could put so much energy into tryin to ruin me.
    To all those who believe they can break me or ruin me,
    I'm here to tell you, I'm strong,confident and nothing you ever do will effect me.

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    kdarcy commented on There Is Nothing Or Noone That Can Break Me


    Like it, I'll look for more

    Merrilyn commented on There Is Nothing Or Noone That Can Break Me


    very nice stay strong

    dahlusion commented on There Is Nothing Or Noone That Can Break Me


    This is a perfect testimony to the power within. Only we have the power to change ourselves. Nothing can do this for us

    JTRAIN commented on There Is Nothing Or Noone That Can Break Me


    I like this poem.

    wizthom commented on There Is Nothing Or Noone That Can Break Me


    not bad inspiring

    The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

    bludolphinz’s Poems (2)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    "The Games That You Play" 7
    There Is Nothing Or Noone That Can Break Me 10