To Love Differently


  • Love

    To Love Differently

    We have exchanged
    no histories,
    no storied details
    amongst strong coffee
    ritual laughter,
    and rehearsed wit,

    this silence
    between us
    speaks complete
    as the
    moment and
    the orbit
    of small

    I seek no one,
    no more
    the evening seeks
    its darkness,
    Yet, I am
    in my madness
    to love differently.

    To love you.

    I do not love you as
    the high desert admires
    the wild blue Canterbury Bells
    that rub your ankles,
    (like a cat that grazes
    affection in the hollows
    of your neck)

    I love you as
    the sweeping heat squeals
    and shudders to a halt before
    the sudden storm,
    and with your breath locked
    in mine,
    my soul inhaled into yours,
    we exult across
    the holy

    I love you as
    the downpour wakens
    the fragrant earth,
    the ancient red rocks ingest
    our wisdom,
    the golden poppies,
    like nervous stars,
    blink in excitement,
    and as we
    release our quakened
    beyond my madness
    to love differently.

    To love you.

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    ESSENCEOFLOVE commented on To Love Differently


    This is a truly original love poem. I love the format and the way the words flowed to give the story as well as the love. It was reflected in every word that you were affected differently by the person who seemed to be made just for you.Well done...........E

    Poetry is what is lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    PaulMatsumoto’s Poems (6)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Kiss Deeply the Remarkable Sky 3
    The Moments Between 2
    Love's Tender Violence 3
    To Love Differently 1
    Familiar Love 3
    I See You In Colors 1