your type


your type

by unmaker

i think i recognize your type:
you won't accept your failures,
can't admit to blame;
unstable insecurities are synonomous with your name

you think your opinions
are tantamount to fact.
i'm here to make you eat your words and take what you have tainted back

whether you know it or not, you're wrong;
whether you care is up to you.
the opponent you've chosen is your better
but believe what you want and i'll do what i do

wisdom says "silence" at times like this
but your words beg for reprimand
it requires all my will to bite my tongue and
all strength and pity to stay my hand

one cannot be expected to turn
cheek after cheek to the wicked, can he?
i have barely enough determination
to hold to my resolve and let you be

don't be decieved, it is not weakness but
my kindness that has bought your safety
However, if even your eye offends me again
i will pluck it out to make you see

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am2anangel commented on your type


another great write. I'm enjoyuing your works. this one was very well worded. full of passion. well done.-tonya

knight4696 commented on your type


Good Job - Isn't it funny how restraint is sometimes perceived to be a weakness. Holding back our first impulse takes strength - it is the weaker man who acts upon it. But you also include the warning to not be deceived - which also makes you the smarter man, by not letting the foe think you are a pushover either. Again, Great work - This one get's a 10 from me.

JacLiz2 commented on your type


At times one has to count to ten before answering when provoked. This poem describes how one can develop restraint and not retaliate.

voracity commented on your type


Poetry affects everyone differently and I think we really respond to the ones that we ourselves feel; I FELT this one. Glad to see I'm not alone. Good job.

sk commented on your type


Good imagery...a friendly warning to an inferior foe...

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

unmaker’s Poems (16)

Title Comments
Title Comments
far away 0
long, cold year 2
for the fallen 0
the high cost of lowlife 1
breath 1
baggage 2
signs 2
righteous indignation 1
happily ever after 3
endless debate 2
your type 6
advice 5
letitfade 3
good intentions 3
dissent 5
dilemma 3