A Birds Plight


  • Nature

    A Birds Plight

    A feeling of loss,
    but not sure of what?
    The ache in the heart,
    but not sure why?
    A feeling of panic,
    looking for a place to hide.

    If I cover my head,
    they wont see me.
    If I am quiet,
    they wont hear me,
    If I keep really still,
    they wont find me.

    I look slowly down,
    onto an empty nest,
    Where yesterday,I sat,
    where there were eggs,
    there are now just empty broken shells.

    My partner has gone,
    got driven away.
    I am injured,and hurting.
    They are coming back,
    their sound is getting louder.

    Am so scared,now,
    my heart is trying to escape.
    Its getting dark,
    They are here.........

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    The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

    nosyrosy81’s Poems (8)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    time 2
    A Birds Plight 0
    Goodbye 4
    the ghost 6
    me 2
    one day 2
    oh God 3
    whispers 4