A Day in the Life


A Day in the Life

The following poem, "A Day in the Life" is about the missing and murdered women in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
69+ sex trade workers went missing and murdered at the fault of 1 man: Robert William ("Willie") Pickton.
He has since been tried and convicted of approximately 29 murders.
Please not: This poem tells the story of a day int he life of a sex trade worker in the downtown Lower Eastside of Vancouver, BC, Canada. I will NOT tolerate disrespect in comments towards these women. They are human beings first & foremost. Also be aware before commenting: I believe NO ONE would CHOOSE this life for his/herself. These women were supporting a hefty drug habit. Please observe some respect in comments, or don't comment at all. Thank you.

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Along this urban nightmare, Hepatitis A, B and C and HIV run rampant

feeding starved veins; desperate to fill an emotional famine.

Her only and worldly possession is a drug kit,

dirty needles, a spoon, a rock of crack and a tourniquet.

She has to cook the crack and leans into the noxious human waste that runs along the curb,

she scoops up all she can, frantically anticipating the euphoria this combination will serve.

Her furious craving is immediately fulfilled with a quick push of the plunger,

for a few fleeting moments, she is in a pure state of euphoria, scantly abandoning that nagging hunger.

Between 20 minute slam sessions, she sells sex to any man who will pay,

night and day she dodges coming down; an 8-ball the reward for the game she plays.

Addict by day, and prostitute by night, she can never even the score,

She says, "It's all the same; the beatings, the raping, and left for dead; all in a scheduled day of a Hastings Street whore."

©2005 Karen M. Seith

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In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.

poetess716’s Poems (14)