The Little Boy in the Dumpster


The Little Boy in the Dumpster

Beloved Doe ~ The Boy in the Dumpster


Item: Houston, Texas - police are dispatched to 7575 Office Drive,

and see what happens when neglect and abuse collide.

A boy of four or five,

found inside a dumpster, no longer alive.

Houston's Beloved Doe,

has few clues to show.

A white or Hispanic boy, broken and frail,

his skin is parched, mottled and pale.

Perhaps hidden away, maybe in a closet,

an agonizing and painful picture, no matter who draws it.

He has black hair, long eyelashes, and large eyes of brown,

wearing a dirty diaper, and blanket and duffel bag serve as his final


Lying on a cold, steel table, with a tag on his toe,

the boy with no name is Beloved Doe.

He will not be buried until his given name is said,

and so in the morgue he patiently waits to be laid to rest.

©2005 Karen Seith


UPDATE: Beloved Doe has been identified. In 2008, 5 year old Jose Bernardo Martinez was identified as Texas’ “Beloved Doe.” His mother awaits trial for his murder.

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MsKrystle commented on The Little Boy in the Dumpster


This one almost made me cry. I hate hearing these kinds of stories. Some people just shouldnt have children. Although I almost cried it was a very nice poem

Bobcatmoon commented on The Little Boy in the Dumpster


so unreal how a mother can forget the gift she bore...I was a foster care social worker and still see the images one wishes to forget...a forensic poetic flare to maybe bring to light children's needs to be loved and not discarded

bforibus commented on The Little Boy in the Dumpster


i enjoyed the write. .it ended kinda like off the side of the earth. overall it was a relatable non ficitonal poem. good job

TamiG76 commented on The Little Boy in the Dumpster


Okay girlie. you really have got to stop doing this to me!!!!! I can' hardly see the damn screen!!!!!! I hope they fry that woman!!!

moonlitlove commented on The Little Boy in the Dumpster


I hope that mother enjoys hell because i heard it's not nice there. An eternity of pain and suffering for her.

In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.

poetess716’s Poems (14)