In My Anorexic Lilfe


In My Anorexic Lilfe

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In my Anorexic thinking,

I was nothing close to clever,

my consciousness sinking...


In my Anorexic living,

I was nothing close to viable,

my selfish ambition unforgiving.


In my Anorexic loving,

I was nothing close to passionate,

my heart desperate for a second coming.


In my Anorexic laughing,

I was nothing close to fun or witty,

my insides brutalized from an emotional slashing.


In my Anorexic vision,

I was nothing close to free,

day in, day out, dodging certain collision.


In my Anorexic body,

I was nothing close to healthy,

softened bones, wasted organs, and teeth rotting.


In my Anorexic soul,

I was nothing close to decorated,

malnourished, unloved, undone, unwhole.


In my Anorexic presence,

I was nothing close to available,

emotionally starved, barren of seed, of essence.


In my Anorexic hands,

I was nothing close to reachable,

heavy in cells, but drained of life, in weak command.


In my Anorexic eyes,

I was nothing close to sighted,

blind in faith, deficient in vision, believing blatant lies.


In my Anorexic heart,

I was nothing close to alive,

you can't get blood from a stone, from a life torn apart.


In my Anorexic being,

I was nothing close to existence,

stoic, numb, desensitized from pain, from feeling.


In my Anorexic intimacy,

I was nothing close to loving,

between hope and hell was a fine art of balancing.


In my Anorexic hatred,

I was nothing close to sanity,

a life squandered, years destroyed, lost, wasted.


In my Anorexic blood,

I was nothing close to sustaining life,

hollow, rigid, cold, unprepared for the flood.


In my Anorexic time,

I searched for the dream I knew I'd never attain,

it teased me, danced around me, mercilessly taunted my mind.


In my Anorexic death,

I let go,

I took a breath...




In my Anorexic freedom,

I took back my life,

I know my place, my purpose, my dreams...

I'm alive, I'm here...

I'm living, I'm loving, I'm breathing.

©2008 KMS

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Nadia1986 commented on In My Anorexic Lilfe


Such a deep work of art so sad and yet so many people have been there and done this. I think that anyone who says that they have never hated what they see when they look at themselves is just saying a lie. Nice work.

SoulEncounters commented on In My Anorexic Lilfe


This piece will touch many lives...Regardless of the fact if was personal or someone elses struggle...You captured it well...BlaQ'S SOUL

kadinan commented on In My Anorexic Lilfe


this is truth and i thank you for that. i think you've said it all...

atrophy42 commented on In My Anorexic Lilfe


I felt this poem all the way through. It definitely sent a surge through my whole being. I love poems like this that has such affect.

frgy25 commented on In My Anorexic Lilfe


it made me want to cry! this is deep...somewhat disturbing...but most of all it is creative. you have a rare talent. keep to it!

Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

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