♥ N love Wit This Thing Called Music


  • Emotional

    ♥ N love Wit This Thing Called Music

    ♥ N love Wit This Thing Called Music ♡
    As I lay here late at night I hear this rhythm  ..beatn strong on the same wave length I track back 2 my heart... as I listen all my troubles earse..n Im jus zoned...note by note ...beat by beat.. Dazed ..everything feelz soo right... as I close my eyes I enter this new world ....with smiles that bring light..and were kisses bring warmth... I listen...listen softly... gently... patently.. Waitn 4 Its essence 2 capture my soul.. I'm n love wit this thing called...Music!!

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    Cix commented on ♥ N love Wit This Thing Called Music


    That is nice, a touch of class in taste and understanding

    peacefulbird7 commented on ♥ N love Wit This Thing Called Music


    I love this poetry piece.. keep on writing. Music have a way of calming down the most bitter person into an infant child like state of being.. good work

    Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

    Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

    MzzEvans’s Poems (3)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    ♥ Therapy 2 My Soul ♡ 1
    ♥ N love Wit This Thing Called Music 2
    ♥ Poetic Avenue ♥ 2