

  • Loss


    Beaten, battered and bruised I wipe my bloody face off and struggle to my feet... the pain is unbearable numb but so much pain. Countless times i rewind this same process as i stumble down stairs to a friends house to help repair the damaged other shell.

    Over and over I wonder what i keep doing wrong, why can't i make him happy... "if only".. or what if i hadn't said "that" Daily i tip toe around my own house and him to appease him and his needs, disregaurding my very own safety, needs, and desires. How did I let this man take my strength, passion for life, and my own identity. How could I turn into this meek insecure shell of a women who is no longer living life but existing.

    Ruth portrum 2/09

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    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    shortandsassy06’s Poems (8)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    son 0
    Life as a tree 1
    Walk with me 0
    Without conditions 0
    beaten 0
    I as a woman 1
    2008 brought me many trials and tribulations 0
    Abruptly awaken 0