  • Childhood


    You came in this world with both your parents by your side
    Your journey through life has brought you many trials and tribulations
    stand tall and look back and see that you have never given up
    Look deep in your soul and find the man who you were meant to be
    Seek strength, courage, and hang on tight your faith
    You are approaching man hood
    My time has come to let you fly free and see where your wings can and will take you
    I am so very proud of you, and I will always have unconditional love for you
    Just remember that your journey is mostly controlled by you and your faith and strength
    I as your mother can only lead you so far
    Can only give you certain elements that can help you grow into the man you were meant to be
    Son, only you can decide what type of man you are going to be
    Ruth portrum

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    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    shortandsassy06’s Poems (8)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    son 0
    Life as a tree 1
    Walk with me 0
    Without conditions 0
    beaten 0
    I as a woman 1
    2008 brought me many trials and tribulations 0
    Abruptly awaken 0