Casting into a mirage........


Casting into a mirage........

Casting into a mirage.......

out of the present....
attached to the past....
worried about tomorrow......
creating illusions....i
nto the mirage we cast.....
spinning our wheels...
going nowhere fast......

out of the present......
while counting the cost.....
we miss the moment.....
knowing not what is lost.....

the promised land is yours "be".........
if you could see your path....
would you question the valleys?.....
cling to the mountaintops?....
or the shit from years past?....
time erodes all.....real or not.....
pausing paralyzes...
fearing loss...creating pain.....
growth at hand ....
now is lost.....

like mighty ocean waves......
from the lows .....the highs rise...
the path can be ridden.....embraced....
growing you forward....
or fought against....
clinging ......questioning.....
placing value.... where none exists....
roadblocks for you....
in the end...smashing......destroying....

You are "be"....
out of the present ...surviving at best......
or in the moment.....
living.....enjoying life's best


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If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

psyphter’s Poems (3)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Mask...... 0
Don't be deceived.... 0
Casting into a mirage.......