pdxgrrll’s Profile

Working through Change

  • Age: 50
  • Location: Beaverton, OR
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: US
  • Public Profile URL:


in 2008 I wrote my first poetry book. It is a wonderful ensemble of 15 years worth of work that took me a lifetime to write. It's about the trials and tribulations in life, lost loves, heartache and over coming it.

For sale online at: www.53585authorworld.com or Amazon.com or Barnes and Nobels.com or in store as special order.

Please read my poems and comment or rate them. I would love the feedback.

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Profile Comments

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Roryo profile comment


hey Darlin I never new how to get to this place to talk to my friends so hello and keep up the good work Rory

hellsaxe profile comment


hi you freind req me a long time ago sorr bout taking so long, hellsaxe pdx

pdxgrrll profile comment


Hi everyone. I'm interested in connecting with anyone who is being published by a place that specializes in Poetry. If your going through the process, please message me. I'd love to pick your brain.

pdxgrrll profile comment


Hey Friends. I'm working on material for book 2. If you have any topics or ideas, I would love your feedback.

HilaHila profile comment


I really like your poetry, it's amazing.



Thank you so much for your support.

Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

pdxgrrll’s Poems (49)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Rocket Ships in Flight 3
Blunders To Wonders 1
Buck up 0
Check Yourself 0
Breaking Face 0
Get Unstuck 0
A to Z 0
She Remembers... 0
The Nothingness 1
We To You And I 0
A Transitional Story 0
Diligent Duo 0
Obliteration Complete 0
Am I Finished With You? 1
My Self Indulgent Cycosses 0
Eureka, CA 0
8 Months 0
M-N-K 0
Someday 3
Who Are You? 2
Finish It 2
Mom 2
Corperate bootcamp 1
Stereo-Types 1
Development Pow-Wow 1
Dear Grandmother 1
Tried and True 1
Untitled 2
Unexpected Night In July 1
Pull Me Down, Push Me Up 1
Flipping Magnets 3
Questions From You 0
After 1992 2
Lifetime Roots 0
Always a Room With a 1 2
Ode to the Holidays 5
Addiction Means Sacrifice 1
We Will Be Alright 2
Techno Bull 1
Love's Development 0
What I'm Not 3
Hearts Say Goodbye 0
Crystalline 3
Lingering Thoughts 1
In The Past 1
Random Thought 1 4
Awaiting Genesis 4
Juniper 2
Passing Bye 4