Passing Bye


  • Death

    Passing Bye

    Though you are out of sight
    you are never far from my thoughts.
    I can still see you standing there
    holding your own in this crazy place we call life.
    Where ever you are now,
    there is nothing more in this world
    that I could ever imagine,
    than to know that you,
    the Peacemaker,
    the comedic relief to an ordinary day,
    the pure soul of wisdom,
    the decoder of what should be the simplest thing’s in life,
    having the ability to unscramble and relay them
    with perfect understanding,
    will always live in the memories and hearts,
    of everyone you have ever touched.

    There is no grief in my eyes tonight
    as I travel endless miles
    further down this winding road
    of trials and tribulations
    which have yet to come.
    I have created a forum in my mind
    to capture all the picture perfect moments,
    almost like an unwritten screenplay of unique characters,
    you may have chosen to share with me through out the years.
    And now without reserve,
    I hold them all so dear next to my heart.

    So until we met again,
    I will see you in my dreams,
    ten thousand dreams
    and know,
    Your presence,
    even though now is not physical,
    will forever fill me with comfort.
    Comfort in knowing
    that I can wake up tomorrow,
    cross off yesterday from my calendar,
    and know that I am one day closer
    to being with you again.

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    pdxgrrll commented on Passing Bye


    This poem inspired my songwriting career and has been approved by an artist for CD release.

    AFIRIQUE commented on Passing Bye



    bandit1192 commented on Passing Bye


    Beautifully written. You can feel the emotions flowing in this poem. TS



    Thanks so much. I actually submitted this as song lyrics and it won best directors pick last month and was recorded by the Paramont Studio in Nashville, TN.

    sk commented on Passing Bye


    a moving tribute to someone who has passed I am guessing...good read!



    Thanks so much. I wrote it for my 23 year old brother who passed away 5 years ago

    If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

    pdxgrrll’s Poems (49)

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