Crimson Kisses


Crimson Kisses

I wanted to call out, to cry, to break free.
Anything that would get me back onto the noisy street of pedestrians passing by.
Being held in a vice, I had no strength to even scream.
Fingers cold as marble caress heated skin, gentle as a sigh.

The beginning comes forth like a blast of cold water.
The night when it all started, caving in on me like dirt on a encased tomb.
I had seen something in the shadows, something with a will to slaughter.
Hidden, biding time until Death came knocking at the cavern's womb.

It had been so silent, so still, my eyes tearing at the simple beauty of Death.
I had wanted Him then, more than anything I had ever known.
Looking into the unknown, I had felt the taste of lust on my very breath.
His eyes a steel grey, almost black, and my obsession had only grown.

I followed, unbeknownst to the Dark One, for nearly a month, watching and waiting.
Now it was my turn, my curse to let Him into my soul, my very essence.
I had begged for this, for a simple taste of what He had to offer, all the while he was baiting.
And now I can feel the pull, the lure, leaving me and becoming an evanescence.

Lips of ice skimming my throat, causing a quickening in my veins.
I feel the sting of Him entering, his groan of pleasure as my life pours down his throat.
My eyes begin to darken, and the last memory I retain is the rain.
Im suspended in time, and days pass, memories stolen. All I do is float.

The last of it is done, Im a shimmering rememberance of what was once pure.
He's stolen it all, my virtue, my passion, and yes, even my soul.
I gave it all up, everything I had, for the chase, for the lure.
For now I am one of His kind, my very humanity. Perhaps that was his goal.

Night is now my domain, my sanctuary of solitude.
A vampiress, who deals out the bittersweet of Crimson Kisses.

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Ninjaboy commented on Crimson Kisses


i like it........ not much else i can say........ 10 here

BikemanRJ commented on Crimson Kisses


This is like something from right out of the movie Twilight. Great suspense and thrill in this write. Very graphic picture you have painted with your words. God Bless Randy

kpeery09 commented on Crimson Kisses


Very Nice, I do like this its very very nice.....I give you 10 for awesomeness.

A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

bjenkins’s Poems (16)

Title Comments
Title Comments
A Siren's Call 2
The Dark 2
Stupid Mistakes 2
Mother of Us All 0
Running Shoes 0
Words of Foreboding (Part Two) 1
Words of Foreboding (Part One) 1
Gleaming Pillars 5
The Barn 4
Admonishments 1
Crimson Kisses 3
Fae Folk 4
Reflections 2
The Whispers of Time 11
My Time Away... 2
Phantom 10