nini2323’s Profile

I once knew everything, and now I know nothing.

  • Age: 40
  • Location: New Orleans, LA
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: United States
  • Public Profile URL:


I"m sort of a gypsy child I guess I"ve been moving around alot. I start to feel trapped when I get bored. Sometimes the world is just to great a temptation, I love an adventure


Profile Comments

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Altair profile comment


Where you been lovely?



I have been in the land of broken computers...I plan on comng back soon so save me a seat

SuSpence profile comment


When you gonna post those Rainbow Bright Pics? Haha

Altair profile comment


Glad you stopped by, I will talk to you soon...Smile =)

The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

nini2323’s Poems (26)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Scared Scarred and Sacred 0
This is the story of... 2
Killer Instinct 4
Laying down on the tracks 2
crimson 18
stalking vs desperation 1
Unrequited Love 10
Pot Cookies and Dayquil 8
Little Girl Lost 9
A thousand lives 12
Ripped and Ragged 9
Love Honestly 9
lullabye for the road 5
self loathing 9
Carnival v.2 5
Fire and Ice 10
Survival guide 2
In the end 3
Blue v.2 5
Liquid Fire 13
carnival 2 3
adaptable 2
In Real Life 0
Blue 7
when the carnival goes dark 2
Getting Out Alive 14