Original Poetry Forums

OP Magazine Talk by WordSlinger & Dano

10-16-2010 at 03:46:24 PM

RE: OP Magazine Talk by WordSlinger & Dano

A magazine focusing on poetry and spoken word artistry……awesome idea. Now that you have the idea you must prioritize what you need to do next to bring the idea into reality. First on the list is naming it and getting permission IN WRITING for any trade marked names or brands you may plan on using. Number two FUNDING….. As they say, “there is no romance with out finance” . So I did a little internet leg work and have come up with the mother load of funding resources.

This is a great site to find grants and assistance. There are thousands of government programs avail. You do not have to give your personal info. You fill out a short survey and learn what kinds of programs are out there for you. There is over 400 billion dollars in grant money that gets awarded. There are grant programs from 26 gov agencies.

On this site you can browse through reading about different grants and programs…

The Small Biz Admin. They give out grants as well as small biz loans with super terms and very low interest rates

Click on benefits and grants. This link gives you info on grants loans aid and other benefits.

This is the website for the Grants Center of Excellence

Besides gov grants there are foundations with money to give away….try


I am experienced in page layout and graphic art. I can also sell ice cubes to Eskimos, so if you need any help in these areas let me know.

As far as the local chapters of OP. Last year I searched and contacted most if not all OP members residing in the Las Vegas area to see if they wanted to partner putting on an open mic poetry reading in a local pup or coffee house and did get some positive reponces. I’m still down for that and get excited thinking about the possibilities.


Last edited by JadedJezzabel 10-16-2010 at 03:48:02 PM

10-16-2010 at 08:41:14 PM

RE: OP Magazine Talk by WordSlinger & Dano

A lot goes into a business venture; business plans, business surveys, backing, banking, loans, profit sharing, business licenses, headquarters, taxes, CPAs, managers, editors, skilled marketing, advertisers lined up, sustainability projections, deadlines and contributors. All these things need to be in place before you venture. You have to take the temperature of the economy and research the viability of profits. A good idea is wonderful but not always a good business venture.

I will contribute poems and I read these comments from day one but enthusiasm in just part of the picture. As well as the above things you will need a board of directors to guide you and never allow the CPA to direct you goals. They are there to save you from the debtors and "pinch the purse."

All great ideas start out small or in garages but you need to have planning and I reiterate, a good marketing strategy. If any of you have editorial skills or experience you will be needed; if you have a degree in marketing, business, are or were a CPA, have a writing and or journalism degree, please step forward. I have none of those things but I am a poet.

Good luck; love, peace and freedom, Olan

10-16-2010 at 10:26:55 PM

RE: OP Magazine Talk by WordSlinger & Dano

So many excellent ideas, and I think the idea of a magazine is good one. The kids corner is a good idea, I would change the age limit to maybe 16 and under. The magazine needs to appeal to a variety of age groups, be unique in design, and provide a variety of topics. You have my voice, vote, willingness to help as I can.

You have obviously put a lot of thought and work into this project already. With so many intelligent people voicing there support and ideas you can make it succeeed.


10-16-2010 at 10:34:50 PM

RE: OP Magazine Talk by WordSlinger & Dano

I could do lots of stuff for the kids corner, as I have been working on poems to put in childrens books........great idea.......love asha

10-16-2010 at 11:20:55 PM

RE: OP Magazine Talk by WordSlinger & Dano

Wordslinger and company,
My best asset is talking and communicating. On the business and techie end I am less than a novice. As far as reading poetry, I have been reading for audiences for 3 years and am happy to interview /read on a CD.
Logistic wise this undertaking is immense, but not impossible. I am one that is cautious and pragmatic. So I side with Olan on his concerns. I am excited though that so many here are willing to do what it takes to get this off the ground. Yes,yes, I would buy/subscribe to a mag. $5.00 or less seems reasonable to me. I currently subscribe to "POETRY"
(I receive a mailed hardcopy magazine) and the URL address is: poetrymagazine.org currently which I enjoy and have learned from. There is also an online literary zine called www.woodcoin.net an online magazine where one can order copies.
I feel active and dedicated poets should be part of the 10. I also feel that there should be a cross-section of age as that is a balanced way to get feedback. I know too many excellent poets on here to single out ten. I hope my input helps.

10-16-2010 at 11:52:50 PM

RE: OP Magazine Talk by WordSlinger & Dano

I love this idea, guys. Unfortunately, right now my "day job" is in jeopardy, and my wife is in very poor health, so I don't know how much help I could be. I used to be somewhat of an artist, but like everything else, right now there's just no free time.
Please keep me posted, though, and if I can help, I surely will.
Love Y'all,

10-17-2010 at 09:55:33 AM

RE: OP Magazine Talk by WordSlinger & Dano

This is from our Poet Kanicki what amazing ideas that would help.

Funding From Within The Site
Just a short lists of ideas yours/mind and some short thoughts-details:

1. Zine - marketing ideas for zine
2. Spreading the OP word to create greater membership/readership/exposure for poets
3. Getting a chapter in each state-meet your favorite poets in person, sharing poetry-readings, autographs, book signings, share ideas, poets conference and workshops, etc.
4. A yearly OP get together...
5. Generate more income for OP and it's members
6. Developing an opportunity for OPs poets to write personalized poetry for OPs members and (OP store) - this idea I will have to spend more time in expressing some ideas and the possibilities...customers can purchase a customized poem for a special occasion.
7. OP online store - poems can be - purchased - cards/plaques/books...personalized and autographed.
8. develop a lists of OP members who will blog about OP's wonderful poetry/poets...EX: you and Maddy's book...
9. OP's poets write for a cause - select a cause/and/or causes - get poets to write poems that relate to the cause...there are many directions to go with this idea...sponsorships and/or greater exposure for poets/OP, etc
10. Cybertry - folks can call a number and have a poem recited to them - many ways to go with this idea too...Ex: A 'Cybergram' a customer can purchase a cybergram - CyberSpaceGram...Cybertry...the person dials a number and a personalized poem is recited to them...think of it as a singing telagram...A 'Cybertry Gram...I have a lot more details to share with this idea...just one for now, when I read the poems of some on this site, like Maddy's for example I wonder what it would be like to hear her recite it...enhancing it's beauty...that's why I enjoy going to poetry reading...perhaps OP can develop/ the site...click on and listen to the poet recite the poem...just one thought for now. Like I really enjoy listening to your videos about Maddlyn...very creative and enjoyable.
11. reach out to media outlets: newspapers, magazines, get them interested in featuring a poetry section...OP poets can write a poem (featured poem to cover a particular topic for the media outlet) it could be a current news event or featured topic in the news...if readers of a particular paper/magazine read an article...they may gather details/news...but in the poetic form - the topic/news/info may resonate more with the reader if they read it in poetic style. EX if a newpaper was doing a feature story on say, 'CyberBullying' they may read about a particular news story, the problem/cause/possible solutions but if a poem was written about the dangers of 'Cbullying' added before or at the end of a piece - the message might resonate more-stick, inspire someone to take action, be more cautious about what they put out on the net... my limited understanding of poetry-writing that formulates a concentrated imaginative awarness of experience in language chosen and arranged to create a specific emotional response through meaning, sound and rhythm...I know it's more than that, way more but my point...that adding poetry to featured stories/news provides a greater essence and provides the aforementioned...instead of the OK I read the news-it's all bad...what can I do...let's move on to the next page...poetry enlists a response-stimulates the thought process/and hopefully an awareness/action/understanding for the better-greater good.

I thank the wonderful poets of OP for sharing your wonderful enriching talent. Too often over the net for obvious reasons and some not so obvious people use the net - or should I say misuse by abusing others...too much negativity and hurt extended to fellow travelers...my sense of OP is that the fellow travelers are more enlightened sensitive souls...who have decided to use the net for the greater good...to serve others - sharing wit, wisdom, philosophy, love, etc...in a respectful manner...the art of poetry has this profound impact...part of it's essence and allure. As we all must be more mindful of what we let out and too what we let in...words in the written and unwritten form are powerful - a three inch tongue killed a six foot man; the same can be said of the pen - therefore - what we put out into the universe/cyber is important...with respect for our collective well-being.

This is why I extend Peace, Light and Love to everyone at OP...and I mean it. And for those who might think my poetry sucks...I'll love them even moresmile It would be a wonderful goal for OP to take on - the issue of cyberbullying...teens are taking their precious lives over it...it's so disheartening.

Last edited by WordSlinger 10-17-2010 at 11:03:12 AM

10-17-2010 at 10:44:46 AM

RE: OP Magazine Talk by WordSlinger & Dano

This is from Tempy for all of us to consider. The OP Owners,, and us the Zine Team.
Thank you Tempy, smile


I think that the topics should be kept to a minimum, perhaps like choose 5 to 10 things to concentrate on, and maybe spread the word in a newsletter emailed about upcoming emotions or topics, and maybe have a few writers that each write a different account of either emotions or situations.

maybe have art as well mixed in, photographers, and keep the themes,

school of poetry should be a thing that appears every issue, and perhaps leave the readers homework, and the best entries get displayed 2 issues after.

interviews are good, and if the questions are good, you can almost make it into shelves in educational institutions, library, or if given subscriptions to schools, could be marketed to get children to write.

If done right, you can make this work... prob beyond anything you imagined. Inspiration is key

Business Plan Layout: Contents Page
The Executive Summary
The Nature of Our Business
- Position to Date
- Mission Statement
- Short Term Objectives
- Long Term Objectives
- Key Personnel
- Legal Structure
- Professional Advisers
Our Service
- How Our Plans Are Produced
- Our USP (Unique Selling Point)
- Testing
- Sales Materials and Special Offers
- Suppliers
The Market and The Competition
- Our Target Market
- Market Positioning
- Quantity of Clients
- Client Response
- The Competition
- Competition Price Comparison
The Marketing Plan
- Anticipated Demand
- Marketing Methods
- Attracting Clients
- Public Relations
The Operational Plan
- Our Location
- Client Support
- Service Plan
- Distribution Methods
- Making The Sale
- Samples
- Packaging
- Job Responsibilities
- Insurance
Financial Forecasts
- Profit and Loss Forecast
- Profit and Loss Explanatory Notes
- Cashflow Forecast
- Cashflow Forecast Explanatory Notes
- Balance Sheet Forecast
- Balance Sheet Explanatory Notes
Financial Requirements
- Required Finance
- Risks
Presenting Your Plan
By the time you have finished compiling your business plan you will have invested a great deal of time and energy. You will have ensured that all the information you have presented is both accurate and of a quality second to none. However, unless you present your business plan effectively all this hard work may be wasted.
Composing Your Introductory Letter
When you attend an interview for a job or meet someone for the first time you want to make a good first impression. It is this first impression that people will always remember. The same can be said for a business plan; how a potential investor first becomes aware of your business idea will be how they will remember it and you.
An introductory letter will be the first point of contact your potential investors will have about you and your business idea. This should be sent at least seven days prior to your meeting and will serve as a brief introduction about you and your business. Time taken now to compile a professional letter of introduction will be time well spent. There are many different ways to write a good business letter and although there is not one specific right way there are many ways which look untidy and unprofessional.
All your business letters must be typed or if you are fortunate enough to have access to one, then use a word processor. Never under any circumstance write a business letter by hand. It gives the impression of an unorganised person with little interest in professional presentation. After all if you are unable to present yourself professionally, then how will you convince anyone to back you?
Submitting Your Plan
Who you send your business plan to can be just as important as what you say in the plan and letter themselves. Obviously what you want your business plan to achieve will influence who you send it to. For example, if you are looking to raise finance to back your new business or business idea then in the main you will probably be approaching at least one of, if not all of the main clearing banks. However, if you intend to introduce a potential investor to your business idea by offering some kind of equity then your business plan will be aimed at venture capital organisations. There are a great many of these, so the same careful research you have used in developing your business idea should also be used when choosing which organisation to approach. Some organisations will only back businesses within a specific sector such as engineering or computing; others will only look at propositions that require a minimum investment of £250,000 or even far more.
Leave the final editing of your business plan until you know exactly who your reader will be. This will allow you to include information you know your reader will be personally interested to learn. You may even be 'able to give the impression you have personalised your business plan just for one specific reader when in fact all you have done is to amend small sections to make it appear that way. A simple way to personalise your plan without altering lots of sections is to personalize just the front page. This will not only make the reader feel important but also indicate your professionalism.
Explaining Your Business
Just as you know all there is to know about your business, your potential backers know all there is to know about their business, whether it be lending money, backing viable opportunities or approving grant applications. Somewhere in the middle has to come a mutual understanding: it is unlikely that just from reading your business plan your backer will gain a full working knowledge of how your business works and why it will be a success. Therefore just as layman terms were used when writing your plan, the same approach should be used when explaining your business. The fact your backer is now only sitting across a desk from you does not mean that they will understand geophysics just because you have explained it to them face to face. When you are explaining your business:
· keep your explanations simple
· keep them short
· keep them interesting.
Remember, an interested backer is more likely to favour your business plan than someone who feels they would have had more fun watching the BBC test card.
Making a Winning Proposal
When the time comes to present yourself before your bank manager, investor or backer, treat the meeting just as you would any interview.
1. Long before the meeting sit down and have a good think about any points you want to raise and then jot them down on a piece of paper. This will help you to focus on what you need to say and how you will say it.
2. Show your list to your family and colleagues and monitor their response. There is no better criticism than constructive criticism. They may even have some thoughts of their own that you had not considered.
3. If you can, act out a mock interview, with a friend or colleague being the bank manager and you as yourself. The expressions on the face of the bank manager will show just how convincing you were.
Preparing for your meeting
Aim to arrive early for your meeting. Try not to look too eager as your bank manager may take this as a sign of desperation. Five to ten minutes will give you time to clarify any points in your head and a chance to compose and relax yourself.
What to wear to the meeting can also present some problems. If you are hoping to secure a loan then you do not want to look as if you already have an overflowing wallet by wearing a tailormade Giorgio Armani suit, nor indeed will scruffy jeans and a shirt with holes give the impression of a person capable of repaying any kind of loan let alone running a business. A standard suit will usually be quite sufficient.
Who will speak
If all the key members of your team have been fully involved with preparing and researching your business idea then you will have compiled a good solid business plan. Solutions to any problems that arise would have been quickly resolved by your team pulling together.
It may be appropriate for some or all of them to be present at your meeting, so appoint a main spokesperson before you go in. There is nothing more annoying to a bank manager than trying to listen to more than one person speaking at any one time. It also gives the impression of a disorganised team. If you cannot work as a team now, then how will you cope when your business gets off the ground?
The main spokesperson should not be the only spokesperson; make sure everyone is able to make their own contribution at some point during the interview. This shows the backer you are able to work well as a team and that teamwork will be a strong influence on the success of your business.
Be prepared
Visual aids can be used to emphasise particular points but do not be fooled in thinking these will impress your bank manager. They will only make parts of your plan easier to understand, nothing more. Your business plan must be able to withstand stringent scrutiny, and your bank manager will be the first to put this to the test.
Do not be alarmed if the bank manager asks a lot of questions about your plan. This can be a positive sign. It shows they have read through it and are willing to find out more by clarifying points they are unsure of. Be ready to answer any point raised but never just waffle on like a politician and hope that if you continue talking for long enough your backer will forget what the original question was. It may work in the House of Commons but in a closed office it will do little to convince anyone that you know your product and your market. Remember, the objective of an interview is to see whether you have considered every eventuality in the running of your business, so be prepared to defend your plan against criticism.

10-17-2010 at 01:09:06 PM

RE: RE: RE: OP Magazine Talk by WordSlinger & Dano

Of course, John.......Important reminnder! from Cookie. Kids and young people must have their corner. [/quote]

10-17-2010 at 01:14:48 PM

RE: RE: OP Magazine Talk by WordSlinger & Dano

]Some good groundwork done here John. Let's do it. I got to keep awake on it, for some days of close study, looking for cracks in your wall.or leaks in your roof.........................LOL.

Last edited by cousinsoren 10-18-2010 at 08:28:28 AM

10-17-2010 at 09:23:26 PM

RE: OP Magazine Talk by WordSlinger & Dano

I'd expect to pay up to $10.00 an issue. That's probably fair.

I would be willing to do some illustrations, either paintings or drawings. I'm an impressionist but I can work in just about any style or or media (except computer-generated art - I have Adobe CS2 but have rarely used it).

10-18-2010 at 07:10:48 AM

RE: OP Magazine Talk by WordSlinger & Dano

10-18-2010 at 08:26:29 AM

RE: OP Magazine Talk by WordSlinger & Dano

Buenos dias WS, smile.....Muchas gracias for asking me to visit.....you have a great idea here....as an artist and poet I felt a little lost though.....try to get the info, artistry, question and answers out in a not so overwhelming format.....just a thought.....make it fun, colorful and helpfully appealing and you shld do exstremely well.....you are quite a talent with a brain out of this world, smile....I do love the way you think, smile......siempre, Native

10-18-2010 at 09:15:01 AM

RE: OP Magazine Talk by WordSlinger & Dano

I was interested in the 19th century look you mentioned. Art Nouveau is definitely a look I find appealing. (In fact, Alphonse Mucha is one of my favorite artists.)

Assign me something and I won't let you down.


10-18-2010 at 10:58:40 AM

RE: OP Magazine Talk by WordSlinger & Dano

Smile....you are one of my favorite poets....

10-18-2010 at 01:28:28 PM

RE: RE: OP Magazine Talk by WordSlinger & Dano

Originally Posted by Jammin

I was interested in the 19th century look you mentioned. Art Nouveau is definitely a look I find appealing. (In fact, Alphonse Mucha is one of my favorite artists.)

Assign me something and I won't let you down.


i would have to say that i am not sure about the 19th century look for the magazine... we are the poets of the 21st century and therefore a more modernized approach to poetry... just a thought but i think that the magazine should have a more modern feel to it... i am not saying contemperary but more of respresentative of the 21st century poets

10-19-2010 at 11:35:03 AM

OP Magazine Talk by WordSlinger and Dano

I will update as this goes on Good day..

@OP Owners,

We need to examine all of these ideas, and slowly talk to each of us.
We have the inspiration, resources, and ¾ education between all of us.
I see this happening. We need to feel all of this out, and get the team here that posted into their positions, and educate to the max,
so when game time comes we are prepared.

this magazine will be yours not mine,
because I don’t want you to get the wrong idea.
I just want to move these Poets, and Website here to higher levels of Reads.
To find missing Children with ads, and possible family interviews.
And to have a positive place for the children to take poetry into the future.
This is your trademark, with our skills and voice.
Thank you Kiddos, J


Nice work, you may be our Research Specialist if interested..
"What is your most successful literary magazine in terms of volume, and how many do they sell per month". that sort of sets a benchmark for us.
What a great question. And noted for we and OP to ask..

We have 400,000 plus, so 10% is what the rule is that may
Positively subscribe.
I see that that magazine Instigatorzine, sells for 8 to 10 $’s
So I guess we need to see why, and what they do, and what we can do better, J

The measure to success is the teams passion, and ability to go the distance,
But slow, and with the knowledge that this is a learn as we go program.
Thank you Kiddo, J

Together we will make a difference, Thank you Kiddo, J


lol, Leroy has a super caulk gun, so he will be busy.
Oren, your ideas for a column is sweet, so stay with it, and water the garden.

There are guitar magazines, that do the music cd thing, and it does well.
So the Spoken word cd, is a great bonus, and when people drive, poetry
Keeps their day alive.
Thank you Kiddo, J

@ Hampton,

You gave me the idea to have ads for Poets to have their book in it. Thanks. Thank you Kiddo, J


we would go monthly, and your question are the really good.
And they are design questions, and that is the fun part, The creative side to
the zine. I had the idea of a 19th Century look more then contemporary.
I see that you have a bit of knowledge, so you can be a part of the creative team as well.
PM me, on what you know. Thank you Kiddo, J

@ Simon,

We will need to price check companies that mass produce cds, and zine companies
Go with the same manufacturer, so that will be a search and rescue mission for us.
We want the Poets to be recorded, when we interview them, and take pictures.
All in one setting, that will be the fun part for a team to travel to the Poets Domain.
The contest idea, may not work since we have one on the site , but in the future, that maybe an idea, with award winning prizes, like a trip to Jamaica, to hang out with Oren.
Fund raising is a way to go, and that will have to be detailed with OP, and Zine Accountant.
Brilliant ideas, and they do work. What Angel is doing is trying to get chapters set up
From state to state, so that is something that each state can do with each state OP representative. Great idea old fashion passion, love it, I want brownies,
Customer Service, well Simon, I like that, and I’m sure OP will also…
And yes we want to School of Poetry sections in it, and challenges like the ones in
The forum here, and the genius RPT40, to have a picture poetry column.
And much more.. Thank you Kiddo, J

You Kiddo, have flared up my original plan without knowing it, ask Angel:
This company here needs in the zine:


Your idea is really good, and can be done also. A digital e version as well.
I like the idea of hands on magazine, makes it all so real. But this idea is a great
Start platform, and seems like another way to get the zine out there.
All of your ideas are brilliant. Thank you Kiddo, J

@ImStillHere and GMCookie.

Big smile here, why I’ll tell ya. My original idea was to have a zine, with arts.
But the goal was to find missing children so oh yes they kids will have a sweet section.
I think it’s cutting the path for the future of children, and the torch of the future of poetry
Into the future in a positive way.
[I]The Children is why I’m doing this…[/I] Thank you Kiddos, J


Yes we are working on a list of companies to negotiate with that deals
With poetry, and literary arts, and for the Poets in Uniform page, you sir
Are first on my list, so be ready, Thank you Kiddo, J

@ Dano and MindNumbing-

You two are brilliant and are apart of the creative team.
We have a lot to learn, and do. And yes a street team, and consignment.
Is away to get the magazine out there, so that will be on the things for OP to see. Thank you Kiddos, J


Yes we will have the School-Teachers Corner, and more.
That;s what makes it fun, it’s an ever changing thing.
Different looks for different times, and contents, Seasons, holidays, and even
World events, Poetic journalism will be alive feature as well.
Thank you Kiddo, J

you are a re a genius at videos so you are to me as a you tube promoter,
And video designer, for ads, we have a creative road ahead, so stay tuned..
You have so much to offer to this magazine. You have a lot of talent for this magagzine, great. Let us see what we are going to do.
You have a wonderful spirit Asha, I love that you want to help with the kids corner, I wish I was a kid, lol, Thank you Kiddo, J


Thanks for caring, , yes you are right we need no drama, and legal..
All we want to do is do give the world some good poetry, and bring some kids, home.
I love all of this info, OP and we will, and this to our things to do, and yes I have studied grant writing, and grant writers are available for a low cost. This is grand. I am sure Dano and I will need the help,
Thank you Kiddo,


Everything you mentioned is something that OP may already have, and yes if not they will need to look into all of that, and we here that are helping this see daylight I am sure will help them implement these foundations .

Olan thanks for doing research with us. Good job

Thank you much much Kiddo, J


J Yes the children will be a main focus their poetry, missing children, and Child abuse awareness, Thank you Kiddo, J


Well your best asset is talking and communicating, that is good to hear, and we will need you as a Family MGR, or Alliance MGR,
1. Fundraising .
2. Community Outreach
3. Author/Poet Relations
4. Board Relations
A cross-section of age a magazine for all genres, and ages is what we want for sure, and yes 10 is little for all the great poetry on here, we just trying to get a feel, so we have imagery for the zine. You are amazing Kiddo, thank you.


Thank you for stopping by, we hope all gets better, prayers sent friend, thank you Kiddo J


Perhaps the Writer's Guild and other TV, Cable, Movie, Film shows
would benefit from an easy access to poetic quotes presented in the OP Website or NetZine, Springy that is something, we will have to add that in the plans to do, great idea.

Availablilty for all, and Access for all, OP will just have to use two servers, with crank-redirect addresses if it gets out of hand,

I am slow to change to, because we have to look at every aspect of this, and yes
Cleaning the yard is healthy, lol, J Thank you Kiddo, J


Nice, please pm Dano and Jammin and touch base on the skills
Between the three, thank you Kiddo J

@ NativeAmeriGirl

Those ideas are what we need yes, and I will try to simplify
My complicated mind, lol thank you so much Kiddo, J


@ Dah

Thank you we need all the luck, and wisdom you have to offer.
Thank you Kiddo J

We need to put together questions or structure.
What do we need specifically, keep it achievable
and do it in blocks, like allocate research for the plan,
send out questionnaires in private.
Then it can get up and running.
Also decided who can do what, and implement.
all in PM's.

1, A Zine Team Designing, (Content Planners)
2. A Implementing Team, (Production Staff)

3. A Research Team
4. A Funding Team

OP owners are soaking all of this in, so I am sure, we will
get a notice soon, so stay tuned....

For the layout team:
Learn all about these two sites for now.

For the whole team to read:

Despite what national surveys may suggest, and despite rumors of its demise, poetry seems likely to persist, in one form or another.
Newsweek- The End of Verse:

Original Poetry Magazines
WordSlinger has invested a large percentage of his time into concerning this idea. I say this because I have read each thread carefully. I hate to micro-manage, and one should have a team for that, but here is what I see. Let us not care about favorism right now because that has nothing to do will this. “And have a double sided poster of, and a recording of three poems on a cd… Full color- Brillant sound” Does the site have even funding or subscriptions to ensure that this magazines will not “cut corners”. A double sided poster, recording of poem on a cd, and a color magazine have one thing in common… money. How do we ensure the the public, whether it be street or academics feel this magazine is legitmate. In the real world, we are upstarters. by Helios and much more

What a brilliant young man hey, lol.

Dear Helios you are brilliant, I would never let anyone down, if I have a say so,
That's my word. I can lead the animals to water, but I can't make them drink.
I truly understand what you are saying, so the OP parents will love this statement.
You have my praise for this post, smile thank you Helios

Thanks and keep the ideas moving.. And don’t be shy
We have history to make girls and guys , lol
Everyone, please do not quote, just copy and paste what you want to say.
Use word pad, because I dont want readers to get lost, or have to re-read everything.
Just like in the OP school, it is better that way,,, it makes it not confusing..
to the readers,

thank you, smile
John E WordSlinger

A snowflake is one of God's most fragile creations,
but look what they can do when they stick together! ~Author Unknown

This Whole Idea

I See As Positive Actions Taking Poetry

and the Youngster Poets into the 21st Century

in a Positive Way.

We are the Light Removing

Stumbling Stones from the Path

of the Future Poets of the World

Use Your Poetic Analogy:.

Last edited by WordSlinger 10-19-2010 at 05:58:59 PM

10-19-2010 at 11:56:42 AM

RE: OP Magazine Talk by WordSlinger & Dano

Yet another poetry magazine?

Why not ? !!!

Good luck with this and with the enormous time and work
involved with its success.


Last edited by dahlusion 10-19-2010 at 11:57:19 AM

10-19-2010 at 04:38:29 PM

RE: OP Magazine Talk by WordSlinger & Dano

This sounds great ! I hope this magazine will survive and thrive.

10-20-2010 at 09:11:28 PM

RE: OP Magazine Talk by WordSlinger & Dano

Add my name to the 10 required to move forward with Wordslinger's initiative. zipper

10-25-2010 at 03:05:59 AM

RE: OP Magazine Talk by WordSlinger & Dano

Adding my name to support this where I can, although am not going to list names of who to include as although a long term member of the site there are still bound to be many I am yet to read and who could be of equal or better standard than those already in my would be list - who knows? However I can suggest a section for critique if you have someone educationally sound and unbiassed who can do this and an are on technique and form etc. There is also room in the market I believe for previous authors to help new authors in their walk towards publication and in highlighting possible routes that can be followed and list of reputable publications/publishers to approach? Just ideas fo course... There is also opportunity to think of future publications how long to produce and how often to make available so you can secure long term production of such... So perhaps consider for now quarterly with reduced subscription as opposed to offering single publications also. I'd be happy to provide links within some of my profile pages and postings to advertise - shout if I can help further, if I can I will... Good luck!

11-04-2010 at 01:38:50 PM

RE: OP Magazine Talk by WordSlinger & Dano

11-04-2010 at 02:32:48 PM

RE: OP Magazine Talk by WordSlinger & Dano

These are to positive steps we have taken:

Poets of Blood feed the homeless:

Child Lures Prevention Awareness:

11-04-2010 at 04:56:42 PM

RE: RE: OP Magazine Talk by WordSlinger & Dano

Originally Posted by WordSlinger

11-04-2010 at 04:56:42 PM

RE: RE: OP Magazine Talk by WordSlinger & Dano

Originally Posted by WordSlinger

Last edited by cousinsoren 11-04-2010 at 10:24:19 PM

Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.