

  • Emotional


    Why are they so important to you?
    None of them have done what I have for you
    Have they held your hand while you cried
    Wandered that dark place in your mind

    Walked willingly into the abyss with you
    Lost themselves in conversation
    Held you when you were afraid
    Stayed with you while you lost your mind

    Have they shared their lives with you
    Tried to make your burdens lighter
    Stood behind every decision you’ve made
    Welcomed you home

    Have any given themselves freely to you
    Offered their soul for you
    Lost their minds for you
    Cried when you didn’t call

    How can they mean so much
    When they’ve never done anything for you
    How can they mean so much
    When they could forget about you

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    wildpendigus commented on Friends


    I'm glad to be your friend also, I like the title and I think that you are so awsome yourself, just keep writing, I would like to record your lyrics and make these songs and you would become a star I know and have worked with famous people and one day you will be one I'm in music so take my word I know talent when I see it or hear it.



    That sounds cool! If you want to put music to my words you have my concent. I would love to hear what you come up with!

    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    DominiqueRenee’s Poems (2)

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