

  • Confusion


    Scared,I sit and I wait
    All the long knowing its coming more quickly then late
    I think,long and hard
    I think too much as I wait......In my head I plan my escape
    In my head is the only safe place
    Today I look into the mirror at my shell
    A blackened eye stares back at me -welcome to my hell
    Trapped and broken I only exsist each day
    I even think I forgot how to pray
    As you read this you may shake your head and say-Just leave then
    Just get away!!!!
    Only lets be real,its harder then you think
    It isnt about love or commitment ,that stopped long ago
    Its about finding my inner spirit that was stolen from me,without my knowing
    I function in society,you wouldnt know im abused
    I am not allowed to leave this prison if he explodes -leaving damage beyond my control
    I guess I just needed to vent
    Its not really a poem more a personal message

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    danmartyjake1 commented on hurt


    No one really knows, but you. I can feel your anguish, fear and grief through your carefully chosen words. . I have felt those emotions within other situations. Your describing a terrible prison that is difficult to figure out, no matter what. You can't fly away, cause it's not that easy. I hope it helps to know that you can vent it out here and OP poets will support you and listen to your story. There are solutions. You just have to try and find the right one for your personal life. I will pray that an answer to the trouble will be revealed in short time. Ask the Higher Power for guidance and protection. Find a support group or friends that are close to your home and remain there if you have to shield yourself. Be strong and have faith. You will get through this!

    cliftondurant commented on hurt


    keep searching my dear you will find a answer and a way out just keep looking up and be strong great job

    lilpoeticgirl commented on hurt


    I can relate to this poem. I was in an abusive relationship for 26 years. It reads well and I know what your personal hell is like!

    Vincent commented on hurt


    I can't pretend to know what your going through, but to stick around and get punch in the face, I then call you a fool. I sorry your caught in this mess, I hope you find your way and God Bless.

    The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

    martie’s Poems (5)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    hurt 4
    Hmmmm 2
    Blank Paper 3
    Yearn 2
    I Guess 2