Looking Back


Looking Back

I hate looking back.
When you look back you see all the mistakes you have made.
You start to think of all the things you shouldnt have done or things you would do different.
It is a pointless act.
If you can't look back and learn from your past then why look back at all.
I think that if you look back and see a mistake you should try and correct it in the here and now.
You shouldnt whine and mope over things that have happened and wish they were different.
Try to fix those mistakes and if you can, learn from them and dont repeat the mistake.
If you broke a friendship you should have kept, mend it if possible if not dont break another one in that manner.
Life is a journey that is a one way trip, but just because it is one way doesnt mean you cant learn from and fix your mistakes.
Love is a healer of all wounds and nothing you come in contact with will trump love.
Look forward with love in your eyes and hope in your heart.
IF you can do those things you will not look back with regret but with joy.
Joy for things that you have done and those whose lives have touched you along your journey.

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WordSlinger commented on Looking Back


inspirational big time, and very true. Most people hate looking forward as well.

Whiteheart commented on Looking Back


10 from me love, beautifull piece love it, well writen. love ya choice of words. thanks for sharing this.....

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Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

RebelCowgirl21’s Poems (4)

Title Comments
Title Comments
My Forever Love 1
The Restless Spirit 2
Looking Back 2
What Your Heart Chooses To Miss 1