Love Desire, Temptations Fire
A dashing prince he's king of king's,
Self preserves what his life means,
For this one family is his light, locked
in desire on his betroth.
His passions fires his loins doth loath,
Temptations flare at every turn, to kill
his conscience inside that steadily burns,
Yet lights his way to quell desires, that
when they sway his moral sires, he yearns
this love, the siren for him, inside his castle
above his rim,
That flows to the surface a cooling bliss, memoirs
of love, a sealed up kiss, doth squelch thy flames
this love so true, will not be slain by demons who,
Invades his loin's on the morning dew, like thieves
in the night, who rise with the dawn, a painful plight,
a prickling prance, on his manhood doth forbidden
dance, pounding pressure thy cannot measure, this
strength, this power that seeks to devour,
A bright soul, his heart doth yearn, this love is life, his
offspring, his wife, breeds lasting flames with all its might,
To burn within this forever fight.
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