MikeSiZaChrist’s Profile


  • Age: 37
  • Location: New Orleans, LA
  • Gender: Male
  • Country: United States
  • Public Profile URL:


If this is your first visit i suggest starting with "Is It?", then from there branch off to "Will" if you're into rap or "Symbols Misinterpreted" if your into poems moreso.


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OUTSPOKEN profile comment


Hey Mike we were in the chat room earlier today, I told you I would leave a comment...your poetry is deep...keeep doin U!! peace&riches OUTSPOKEN

Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

MikeSiZaChrist’s Poems (29)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Mantra 0
rap 0
Feels Good to be a Dick 2
Rhymes Written on a Paycheck Envelope 1
New Shit 0
Guilt And Selfishness 18
Spring Forward, Fall Back 1
More Than Half-Fair 1
Dead Words 3
Recess Ends 2
Love/Hate Relationship 3
I'ma MuthaFuckin Streetcar! 0
Wonder of Shadow Thought 1
4 (i am no human) 2
Healmatic 5
Fat Head (Gold Molder) 4
Mind Fermentation 3
I don't Wanna Talk 3
Certainly Better Than Heaven 3
Will 6
Gramophiles 3
Marinated Cigarettes 1
Brain-Eating Zombies 2
The Towering Phallic Papacy Prophecies 3
It's All Sunshine 2
The Intriguing Discourse of Heliographers 4
Color Mantra 1
Is It? 15
Symbols Misinterprete
d just like ice cream