

  • Political


    I am a marked person;
    at times by choice,
    at others by life,
    and though I love beauty,
    I’m not ethereal.

    Some look at my skin and wonder “why”?
    Others, look with pride
    and declare my strength
    for having ‘endured’ the pain.
    Yet I remain the same either way.
    Flattered by the compliments
    but fine within myself as before.

    My marks are about expression
    as opposed to conformity.
    They are my way of defying
    Society’s definitions of worthiness -
    I am to be considered beautiful…

    The ART upon my skin is my smile
    in the face of those who seek to dehumanize me
    through the brutality of their ignorance.

    Do I offend?
    What else is new…
    And of course my answer remains the same:
    then look away
    and fix your sights
    on something more to your liking…
    say perhaps a mirror?

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